Tuesday, November 21, 2023

I Feel Like Tom Petty


The waiting really is The Hardest Part. For me, anyway. I remember only too well what Jordan's going through. She and Jared are hanging in there, though. To quote another singer, "Tonight's the night. It's gonna be alright." Thanks, Rod Stewart; I needed that. 



  1. Oh my. I hope that things happen soon. I know that waiting is part of life but maybe in this case a little life would be good right about now.

  2. What?! You are still waiting? I figured the little guy would be here by now and smothered in kisses. I feel sure he will make his appearance when he is darn good and ready.

    I wasn't induced, but I had a pictocin drip after mine was almost two weeks late. Nothing. I feel sure that boy was waiting for his grandmother to arrive from PA before he made his entrance. No less than a day after she arrived, he decided it was time.

  3. You know, I think waiting at the end of the phone may just be worse than waiting closer. I do hope things are going well, if slowly, and that you will have good news to post tomorrow.

  4. Oh goodness, I feel for them. I hope she has delivered by now (it's almost 7pm here, so 10 there I think) and that mother and son are doing well! You've been in my thoughts all day.

  5. Oh wow. This is a lengthy wait. I hope all goes well and the long wait is the only hiccup.

  6. Babies do like to make grand entrances...

  7. Waiting is always hard... Sending continued good wishes to all of you.

  8. There are no new updates, so I'm hoping things have gone well! Go baby! Come meet your family!

  9. They will have a wild story to tell this baby when it's older! Hope it goes well and happens soon!

  10. Everyone--Thanks for being with me all through this. You're My People!

  11. I'm over the moon for your family. I hope all went well!!! ❤️❤️❤️


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