Other Blogs And Links I Live For

These are the People I Read. Perhaps you'd like to read them, too. In many cases, they have been kind enough to link back to me.

The Misadventures of Widowhood

The Ravell'd Sleeve

The Threaded Lane

The Spectacled Bean


Them's My Sentiments

Mary Worth And Me

Bug's Eye View

Thinking About

Gluten Free Easily

Pointy Little Sticks

Busy Bee Suz

Here are My Necessaries. These are places on The Interwebs that I cannot live without, and I recommend them.

Penzey's Spices: Buy Blue--Support Humane Policies Here--I buy all my dried herbs and spices here.  They pack the jars to the brim, send free samples, and have terrific prices and specials.  And I fully support their politics/policies.

Vox: Understand The News

Snopes Urban Legends Reference Pages--This is the best place to check on all those idiotic Don't-Sound-Quite-Right forwarded stories people send you.

Political Wire

Daily Kos--Stay Active In Our Democracy

CREDO Action--Be The Change You Wish To See In Our World

Guns Down America

The National Zoo Panda Cam--Because after all the politicking wears me down, sometimes I just have to regain my Zen and watch the pandas.

Vote Forward--You can help activate voters to cast their ballots in crucial elections.

Buzzfeed--Since I don't teach high school anymore, I have to keep up with pop culture and The Youth somehow, so this is how I do it. The quizzes are fantastic time wasters.

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