Friday, November 10, 2023

Do You See This?

Sometimes when I go shopping, I wonder if I'm the only one who sees stuff like this. I also wonder if employees put these things out on the shelves just for fun. I mean, everyone deserves to get their kicks during the workday.

Here's this, from Closeouts in my funny grocery store:

Okay. I'm not exactly sure what this is, but I can positively say that it is NOT a Trio Of Li'l Mice. 

And then I saw this Bargain at Marshalls on Clearance:

Hey! I'm sorry, but since you waited so long to buy this Italian Macaroni Product Made In Italy--and that's not redundant at all--you now pay the Special Clearance Price, marked down up to $5.00. You know what they say, "He who hesitates...yada yada yada."

And, no, I didn't buy either one of them.


  1. I kept staring at the macaroni product and wondering what I was missing. THE PRICE. That is hilarious. Also, how was that exactly three mice? So strange. How were you not tempted to buy something?

    1. Ernie--It's all so ridiculous, isn't it? A lot of goofy stuff ends up in the Closeouts of my grocery store because of being mislabeled or having a graphics mistake. That cat toy is just one example. It was also the only one of its kind. A collector's item! LOL.

  2. Both of those are hilarious...

    I would be wondering if there was some popular American reference I was missing with the flag-football-mice thing!

    1. maya--Right? Any self-respecting Patriotic cat would be proud to play with that...thing.

  3. So funny! I especially love the marked up macaroni. I do notice things sometimes but I admit that I probably miss more than I see. I’m usually so focused on Get Me The Hell Out Of Here. 😂

    1. Bug--I get that. When I was still working, I was focused on that, too. Now, I have time to poke along and see this sort of thing.

  4. I do LOVE your little grocery store!

    1. J--I do, too. I can honestly say that I don't dread going grocery shopping every week. Being retired, however, has a lot to do with that.

  5. I love it when you do this. You have the Best Eye, truly. My high point of the day so far was those mice. I want some for our poor Hall manager.

    1. Mary--If you're going to have mice, those are the kind to have. They'd cause no damage at all. LOL

  6. LOLOLOLOL at the pasta. Who made that decision? What were they thinking? I need to know more!!

    1. NGS--Ditto. That's when I think that some employees just want to have fun. And I say Go For It!

  7. These both made me chuckle---thanks for that!


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