Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November Challenge Post #11--Outfit Of The Day

Probably I should have looked more closely at some of these Challenge Topics before I blithely told myself I was All In on this deal. After I write this post, I'm going to look at the remaining nineteen and see what substitutions I need to make.

Simply describing what I have on today is a terrible idea for a post. I tried photographing myself in today's outfit, but for a variety of reasons, it didn't work. So, FOR YOU, I undressed, hung the whole shebang on a hanger, and took a photo that way. The cats were flabbergasted and annoyed. This Falderal Project delayed their meal.

My Outfit Of The Day

 And no, I do not stand like that. The sweater is olive green, and is from Amazon Essentials. It was a Christmas gift from Sam. The jeans are "boyfriend" style, which means they are slightly cropped and hit me a few inches above the ankle. I got them about six years ago on a Target clearance rack. They are a little big, but they're so comfy. I like to wear my sweaters oversized a bit, too, and long. The glasses are a sort of dark jade by Elizabeth Arden. They were cheap, too, from America's Best. Those are the drapes in my office.

As soon as I got done photographing my outfit in my underwear, I realized I had not shown you my shoes. Here they are:

Gone are the days of my high heels, for sure. I had to grocery shop today, so these were pressed into service. I can also take these for my walk. Please do not look too closely at them. Marlowe, my princessy longhaired cat, lies on all shoes, so I'm sure they have her hair on them someplace. I'm probably the only person in the world who has to lint-roll her shoes. And that is the desk chair in my office.

So there you have it. I did get dressed again to feed the cats and write this, rest assured. What's your favourite thing to wear on a Normal Day? Do we dress like twins?


  1. All I can picture in my head is you standing like that lol! I do wear the same style jeans and my shirts have to be oversized and long, but I tend to wear flowy style shirts. Since I'm in Florida I don't even own any sweater shirts. Shoes are always flip flops these days. So glad the high heel days are over!

    1. Martha--I am sort of a classic-Boho mix in my style, and all my summer and spring tops are peasanty and flowy. I do not, however, wear flip flops unless it is to work on the boat or the pond. I hate feet.

      I'm glad my working days are over, but I do miss my high heels. I have a wonderful collection of the most fantastic shoes and I miss wearing them.

  2. We would if I had that top, I love the color. Most days I wear jeans and some sort of long sleeved top. Lately I’ve been wearing my low heeled boots, because they are well made and actually more comfortable than my flat shoes. I have high arches and arthritis in my feet, and searching for comfortable shoes is a chore indeed. To think that I used to love shoes! Now I love my Vionic house slippers that have arch support. And that’s it. I don’t love any others, though my Addidas that I wear to walk Mulder are a close second.

    1. J--I have always been a fan of olive green. I wish I could find olive green shoes (not tennies).

      I have two pairs of ankle boots that I love, but they are loud on our hardwood floors. They have a small chunky heel, and they make me feel more dressy. I'm lucky that even after 30 years of high heels and pointy toes, the arthritis in my feet is very slight.

      I love Skechers to walk in because of how light they are and they're full of memory foam. I'm not sure of the arch support, though.

  3. Blue jeans....every day ... almost.
    In winter Blue jeans every day.
    today, bluejeans, a t-shirt and an comfy casual button front or zip without a hoodie
    It has some dark flowers in velvets material on the arms.
    Um shoes: threw them out today. I swear I did. They had HAD it.
    I m on the hunt for shoes

    1. kathy b--I threw out a pair of shoes this week, too.

      I wear blue jeans infrequently, to be honest. I'm a leggings girl once the weather gets cooler. Jeans don't keep me warm. And leggings are so comfy to curl up on a chair or couch. But the cat hair! They really show it. It's a constant struggle.

  4. I wear jeans and a t-shirt while wearing Birks, given my druthers. I like a cardigan when the temps drop and change to sneakers with socks. Overall I'm about as low maintenance as a woman can be.

    1. Ally Bean--I'm having a terrible time finding good cardigans at a decent price. Many are so thin.

      I have too many preferences to be Low Maintenance, I think. But I don't bother others with them; they're my baggage alone. (Like, I don't like teeshirts.)

  5. Leggings and long, loose-fitting tops. About as close to PJs as it gets, lol. To complete this exquisite ensemble, I wear fuzzy socks because I hate wearing shoes in the house. (This gets me in trouble on occasion when one of my feet hits the corner of a piece of furniture by accident. Ouch.) But the socks are also because I like to tuck one or two feet under me when I sit on the sofa. I am basically a fashion disaster. I wonder that no one nominated me for that program "What Not To Wear." I do clean up pretty well if I need to attend a formal event, however. I try to respect societal conventions when I can and I don't have to spend a fortune to do so. Since COVID started and I don't even teach F2F anymore... I just worry about which top I am wearing for my virtual classes.

    1. Ortizzle--I hope your presence here means you're feeling even better. YAY!

      I, too, wear mostly leggings and long, easy tops in the cooler weather. They keep me much warmer than jeans do. The outfit above was due to A) leggings being in the laundry and not quite dry; B) my husband wanting to see me in something other than leggings every once in a while; C) knowing I was going to the grocery store and those items were not covered in cat hair. Trust me, today, a Stay-at-Home Day, will be a leggings day.

      I doubt you're a fashion disaster at all. Socks at home is my MO also. I really need a good pair of slippers, but hard-soled ones won't allow me to tuck my feet under me. And soft-soles won't allow me the odd trip out to the trash or herb garden.

      It seems I really need a staff or, at the very least, a maid or butler.

  6. Jeans and a flannel shirt layered over a long sleeve tshirt are my favorite things to wear now that the weather is getting chilly in Illinois. I also have a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants in a dark gray that I love to wear when I want to be comfy and warm. Nothing fancy ever now that I am retired. Oh and my walking shoes or sandals depending on the temperature.
    How boring I am!

    1. Ellen D.--I used to be the best-dressed teacher in my building, every day, even on Blue Jeans Friday. I still have my vast collection of high heels. It was hard to retire and dress down every day, and I still make sure I'm coordinated, including my glasses and shoes. Old habits, you know. I feel like my Retirement Wardrobe is boring, but it's a more than satisfactory trade-off, you know?

      You're not boring in the least. You're living the Good Life. RETIRED!

  7. Close. Pull on pants, navy. White knit shirt. Blue cardigan. Fuzzy Bean Wicked Good slippers. My jeans are in the laundry or it would be closer. This is hilarious, frankly. Loving the fashion roll in the comments.

    1. Mary--It really is funny. I'm reading Comments in that Bert Parks voice from the old Miss America days when he read bios about each contestant.

      I'm learning that I need a good pair of fuzzy slippers.

  8. I couldn't stop laughing at those jeans, the way they are hanging like a bowlegged scarecrow.

    I wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, both of which are getting pitched when I do my closet purge project this winter. I'm wishing I had put an undershirt on underneath because it's very cold!

    1. Jean--I know! Why didn't I just hang them folded in half, and normally? I guess I was trying to satisfy that implied requirement of a photo of me wearing the outfit without me actually wearing it. Or something. Sigh.

      I haven't worn sweatpants in ages. I discovered leggings and haven't looked back. But sweatshirts are forever!

  9. Dee--Oh no! Not the flu. I hope you are soon well and chipper. Has Giroux been snuggling with you?

    I always try to be comfy, yet look put-together. I'm not going to give up just because I'm retired.

    I like the transparent glasses trend. That's what I'm going to look for in my next frames.

  10. Huh. Hard to believe that isn't an actual pose that you take, it looks so natural and comfortable ...

    1. Bridget--I'm practicing it now.

  11. It really is hard to get a full length selfie - and Mike is no help at all. If I were to ask him to to take the photo he would roll his eyes, sigh mightily, and act like I had interrupted Important Matters of State. So I save that drama for when I'm trying to show off a new crochet item.

    At work it's almost always black pants with a wide variety of tops in different colors/styles. No heels - I haven't worn heels since the hip situation. If our weather would cool off I would wear skirts with boots.

    At home, it's yoga pants (black) with one of a blumillion giant t-shirts (Cincinnati Reds, Atlanta Braves, various state and national parks...). Now that it's slightly cooler I add a hoodie. And I most often wear my favorite sneakers because it's better for my back and gives the illusion that I might hop up at any moment and Do Something.

    1. Bug--We have one full-length mirror, and it's in a place with almost no lighting. I have a funny, weird, little old house.

      I have adopted a Uniform-type aesthetic as far as pants as well. In my case, black leggings for cold weather. I switch up the tops like you do. I do have a couple pairs of skinny-type jeans which are almost like leggings, and I wear them with boots, too. They really cut down on the cat hair, a nice side benefit.

      Yoga pants and leggings are the Legal Jammies of my world. I can still go to the store in my leggings, yet feel cozy and comfy curled up on the couch. I don't like yoga pants because I like the close fit of the leggings. I need that warmth.

      You wearing your sneakers for an illusion reminds me of a friend of mine who used to leave her vacuum out all the time. She could then say she was just about to vacuum if anyone dropped in. It excused her carpets and made sure her company didn't stay long!

  12. I'm SO thankful that you let us know that you DO not stand like this.
    I think your outfit is super cute and perfect for the grocery store or lounging around the house. Pet hair is part our life though and I do tire of it everywhere, but I love my critters too.
    If I don't have to leave the house, I'm in workout shorts and a tank top. If I'm going out (groceries!) it's the same or I'll get all gussied up and wear jeans, a top and a real bra!

    1. BB Suz--I could probably stand like that upon request. But there would have to be payment involved, and no cameras.

      I have not worn a tank top in ages, unless you count the camisoles I wear in lieu of a bra. I detest real bras, and since I am not...Amply Endowed...I rarely wear one.

      I look forward to seeing your Wedding Outfit of Gussied Up jeans, top, and real bra. I'm assuming you'll wear high-heeled flip flops? LOL.

  13. That outfit looks like you. Simple and classic and I'm sure you look great in it! My best classic outfit is jeans and (this time of year) a long-sleeved t-shirt. Plus, moccasin slippers this time of year. Sadly, I must wear a damned bra to feel uh, put together. The moment I take that bra off, my brain goes, "Well, crap, we're not getting anything done today. We might as well be in pajamas." LOL but true.

    I just ordered a bunch of clothes that were on sale. When this pandemic is over, I am ready to re-join the world and look great!

    1. Shirley--Thank you; how nice!

      I'm laughing at how you have to have a bra on to feel serious about your day. It's that brain-boob connection, I guess. It's a good thing there is no size correlation, or I'd be one of the dumbest people around.

      Good for you, shopping for some new clothes. And I love a sale.

    2. The brain-boob connection! You made me laugh. Yes; that's it! (I've actually still got my bra on at the moment because I wasn't ready for my brain to shut down.) And hehe on the size factor.


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