In spite of dire predictions from Conventional Wisdom, right-wing pundits, Interpol, and several Celebrity Astrologers from all over the Interwebs, the
Dept. of Nance is celebrating its Fifth Anniversary!
It's true: the
Dept. has been bringing you a fresh perspective on shoes, cows, polar bears, politics, bad fashion, and oh hell, just about everything for Five Whole Years now. Probably you cannot imagine Life Before The
Dept., and it's best you not try. Instead, let's have a little revelry to commemorate this milestone.
As Longtime Reader Ortizzle once sagely commented to me: Without you, My Readers, this blog is nothing but an Internet Diary. Therefore, I'd like to include you in this celebration of
5 by asking you to be active participants. Choose any of the following
5 activities/questions to respond to in comments. Or, run with them on your own blog and link to them in comments. Ready? Let's celebrate
1. Did anything of major cultural or historical significance happen when you were 5? In 1964 when I was
5, my older, cooler sister was already a Major Beatles Fan.
On February 9, 1964, at 8 P.M., life at my house came to a standstill so that we could all sit around the black and white television and watch
The Ed Sullivan Show. When The Beatles came on, Patti was enthralled and I,
already in the throes of idol-worship, copied her every move. She was leaned forward, eyes glued on the screen. I didn't know I was watching history then, but I still remember every minute of it.
2. What are 5 things that really, really frost your cupcakes? My longtime readers know I have more than
5 of these, but here are
5 of my pet peeves: flip-flops in public,
people dressing poorly in
public, inappropriate cellphone usage in public, parents who don't control their children in restaurants, lateness, improper apostrophe usage on signage.
3. Are there ideas, topics, issues in the past 5 years that you wish I had written about but I never have? Maybe you have a great idea or maybe you're curious about something. Let's hear it. It's been
5 years. Why wait?
4. 5 Degrees of Separation? How did you find/hear about/get to the Dept. of Nance? Most of you are Longtime Readers; I have no way of knowing who my lurkers are (Come out, come out--
5 years is long enough to hide! Give me a thrill). I'm curious. How did you find me amid the millions and millions of blogs out in the cyberworld?
5. Fab 5. I've got Favorite Posts, of course, and even I'm not vain enough to think that you remember enough of my Archive to have them too. But here are
5 of My Best Ones, in my opinion, should you care to browse:
1. Personal Jesus2. The Dept. Presents "What Not To Wear" Meets "Hardball"3. ...But Fear Itself4. My Latest Obsession: I Stand Up For Mary Lincoln5. Watching And Thinking About BlueberriesFinally, here's a photo of me standing in front of my grandmother's house, taken when I was
5. It's a bit prophetic, really. I'm blissfully holding a kitten. I have no idea whose it was, then or now. Oddly enough, it looks quite a bit like Piper, my new Boy Kitten, who I very much enjoy holding now. I was always finding stray animals to rescue in some way, baby birds who had fallen out of their nests, sad little wandering kittens, trapped butterflies or moths struggling in spider's webs. I'm sure that after my mother took this picture, she firmly impressed upon me that I
was not taking that cat home. And I didn't.
One of the few times that I listened to Mom about a pet.
But I digress. (Again.) If there's anything else you'd like to add to help celebrate the Dept.'s Fifth Anniversary, please do! It doesn't have to be 5 things. But it can...!
Oh my, where are my manners? Do have some cake.
(But just a little cake. Remember, I'm trying to cut back.)