Monday, February 08, 2021

What's Your Sign? I'm Taurus, So I'm Loyal, Emotionally Strong, And Into Decluttering Kitchen Items. And Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream? (Heck No)

Sometimes, the Interwebs can bring us things we didn't even know we were looking for. I love when that happens. Even better is when I have No Idea how I got to where I arrived, having completely lost the thread of Where I Was Going in the first place.

This particular twisty-turny journey led me to an entire search page of zodiac signs. Let me say here and now that I do, in fact, read the Horoscopes every single day. I read mine, Rick's, and my sons'.  It benefits me in no way whatsoever except to occasionally laugh when it says things like "Tonight:  out on the town" or "exotic travel is favored". Oh, and once, a friend who dabbled in Astrology produced a chart for both Rick and me. There. Full disclosure.

But I digress.

This search page was fascinating. I had no idea that Astrology had branched out so far. It has moved into so many realms. As a Taurus, I was used to hearing about things like Tauruses are loyal, emotionally strong, independent, creative, practical. Our weak health is usually concentrated in our necks/throats. But all that stuff is Old School now. For example, did you know that your zodiac sign can also determine what you should De-Clutter?

Point taken. I promise to get right on that. And Rick, a Leo, does need to weed out the wardrobe. I keep telling him that. To be fair, he also hoards old receipts. 

Your birthdate also rules your ice cream preferences, supposedly.

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. I detest mint chocolate chip, and Rick would not eat birthday cake ice cream. Actually, what the hell is going on with some of these flavours anyway? I advise everyone not to eat or drink blue stuff. You just never know.

Let's see how we fare with something else that's sweet.

Yes! Out of all these candies, I would always pick Reese's (NOT Ree-sees; please pronounce it correctly. It rhymes with Pieces.) Peanut Butter Cups. Rick, however, would not ever pick Skittles. And Jared, who is NOT a Gemini, loves Swedish Fish. I know; I don't get it either.

Our zodiac signs also drive our footwear decisions. Take a look.

Nope. Nude pumps? Not when there are patterned kitten heels or pointy-toe flats available. Now if they were red pumps, that would be perfect. I've owned dozens and dozens of heels in my life, and not one single pair was nude. For the record, Rick has no ankle-bow heels. 

Hey, if you're ever wondering what sort of book to pick up next, just consult your astrological sign.

This looks a little YA to me, but I used to read a lot of Stephen King, so it's pretty accurate there. I don't read much of any of these genres, except Historical. I like history, nonfiction, and some of what I guess would be called historical fiction. Rick has no interest in reading books, especially not fantasy. I would love to hear from all of you Aquarians who love to read Steampunk. I really would.

Finally, after all we've been through (and are going through), here's an astrological chart I like a great deal. See what else your birthdate can determine?

I have no problem being designated as Hulk. My temper is mellowed quite a bit, but if you provoke me enough, I will, as my sons say, "put you on blast." I do not, however, turn even a little bit green. Rick is Superman, without a doubt. 

Had you any idea of the New Age Of Astrology and its incredible influence over our lives? How accurate were these new categories for you? Tell me who you are, according to the stars.

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  1. Goodness! I don’t believe in astrology, old or new. Some of the ‘findings’ are near-hits, but most are misses. ice cream flavours, shoes, sweets etc. determined by your star sign? What a lot of rot. And so say I, Captain America!!

    1. Friko--But maybe Astrology believes in you! I love that you're Captain America.

  2. Choices for my sign (Leo) were pretty much a total wash. Although, I’m OK with Superman, lol. And why didn’t I get the Reeses? Or at least Kit-Kat? Dang!

    Years ago I got into the Chinese horoscope. Bought a book on comparing East with West. I don’t believe in any of the horoscope stuff really, but somehow I love reading it anyway, haha. I was digging around for it to look up your combo of Taurus + Pig. Couldn’t locate it, but found this combo description on the nets:
    You're a very engaging, gentle, and lovable personality — people like you willingly. The sense of friendship is very much developed in you; you never hesitate to bend over backwards to please your numerous friends.
    For you, the family circle is sacred and constitutes a sufficient universe where you evolve happily. You hardly like to get out of your home. Your attachment to your house, your hearth, your family has something really passionate. If you're a city-dweller, your greatest dream would be to own a house in the country and to acquire land and goods for your children, in conformity with your rather conservative nature.
    You have simple tastes, which helps you find your happiness under all circumstances. Sensual and gourmand, you're intent on fully enjoying all the good pleasures of life and not concerning yourself with metaphysical considerations.
    Your professional success is frequent and easy thanks to your talent and your art of winning good and loyal friends. Your imagination also is an appreciable advantage. If you show patience in seeing through what you've begun, then you can make a fortune. But you must refrain from dreaming too much, for some of your grandiose dreams are susceptible of lessening your efficacy and provoking bitter disappointments.

    In love, you hate complications and dramas. It's simple and peaceful happiness that you look for. You love to bring well-being, gentle way of life, and amorous joys to those whom you love.

    Well, *some* of that is likely true. My combo of Leo-Dragon is usually hideous because they are both fiery signs.

    Chinese New Year starts on Feb. 12th this year. It’s the Year of the OX, and this year supposed to be lucky. That’s enough to make me a believer for now, lol!

    1. Ortizzle--I wonder if lots of us go through an astrology phase. It's such fun to think about, and it's easy to find ourselves in the descriptions. Much of the Taurus stuff is very true about me. I'm sure that, because people tend to read only their own signs, they don't see themselves in the others. No matter; I find other philosophies and ideologies fascinating, too. And rather than dismiss things out of hand, it's better to read and understand where they come from in the first place. Then one can merely choose to disagree.

      I hope that the Year of the Ox is lucky for us all. We could use it. It's been a terribly long year, and I feel that 2020 is very much still with us.

  3. Where did my post go? I'll try again.
    This person does declutter her clothes closet almost quarterly. I buy inexpensive clothes as I am retired and I tend to get them stained. (Full disclosure, I m a bit shaky ) I love birthday cake ice cream. ON POINT! But ankle bows...ha never. Slip on sandals forever. That was a blast

    1. kathy b--Your ankle ruffle socks got pretty close to the ankle bows.

      Glad you had fun with this.

  4. Who ever came up with this stuff has too much time on their hands. Good for a laugh, though.

    1. Jean--Oh, it's all for fun. You do remember Fun, right?

  5. Aries here but most of the calls are so far off as to make me wonder whether I should have been born in April. The only one that comes close is the declutter, if you count eleven pairs of boots as sports gear. That is the count in our hall closet at present. The ones with cleats for ice on the laneway, the mukluks for use with snowshoes, the city boots and the Really, Really! warm pair. Oh, yes, the steel-toed pair for use with the chainsaw. Each. It is a big closet with four boot trays.
    There are Aries tennis shoes as well, but they are on a shelf waiting for the spring mud to clear.
    Um, would you say I had too much time on my hands? I wonder if one of the Aries traits includes running on in other people's comments.
    As you often do, you have made my evening a pleasure. Love this. And I love Reese's (pronounced properly, of course) chocolate ice cream. Hmm.

    1. Mary--I will never be annoyed by chatty comments. Quite the opposite.

      Your boot collection echoes my husband's, both in number and specificity. He also has a similar collection of tennis shoes: the ones for mowing, the ones for working at the lake, the ones for wearing "out", and the ones for when the good ones wear out. As they begin to get more and more cruddy, they get demoted. Mowing shoes are the bottom of the heap.

      Thank you for such a lovely compliment. And thank you for your continued correct pronunciation of Reese's. It means a great deal.

    2. I think our husbands both went to the same shoe cycling school. Some day the footwear is going to take over entirely and we will be camping on the lawn.

  6. No, No, No, No, No, No
    That’s 6 tries, 6 nos.
    1. I did spend some time cleaning out my email inbox today, but it isn’t bad, I have folders and handle that fairly regularly. I do have a lot of photos that could be sorted somehow and lots to throw away. Also some closets that need some work, specifically the linen closet.
    2. Chocolate chip cookie dough - I would eat it, if that’s all there were in the house and I was craving ice cream. But I would never order it. I like black cherry ice cream best. Of the ones listed, probably vanilla bean, which I would top with some fresh raspberries. Or mint chocolate chip.
    3. Candy Corn? Again, I would eat it in a pinch, I don’t hate it like some folks do. But I would rather have an almond joy, or a Peanut Butter Cup, or a Kit Kat.
    4. Pointy Toed Flats - maybe. This was the closest I got to a yes. But pre arthritis, I was more of a heel person, I feel more confident in them. So one of the heeled options would be my choice.
    5. Sci-Fi? Not my bag, baby. I mean, I like Star Trek and Star Wars just fine. But I don’t read them. I don’t know what my taste in literature would correspond to perhaps? What does that even mean?
    6. Professor X? I have no idea who that is. I’m not into superheroes. I did like Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, so maybe that. But if you’re going to be a superhero, you do really want to be able to fly, so I will select Superman as my superhero of choice.

    It’s ALMOST as if they are making this all up...

    BTW, my daughter looked up my moon sign, which takes not just your date of birth, but also time and location, and I am a Capricorn with a Capricorn rising. She read me that, and a lot of it sounded right. Maybe they’re NOT making it all up...

    1. Julie--It IS like they're making this all up. LOL.

      I felt the same way you did about all the ice cream flavours. I doubt I'd order any of them, but I'd eat a few--even maple bacon--if they were all that were available. A few, not all. But that does NOT go for candy corn, which has always befuddled me. Even as a child, I couldn't eat it. It was the one thing all four of us kids tossed from our Halloween bags.

      In my chart, I am Taurus with Leo rising, and Rick is Leo with Taurus rising. We are incredibly similar in many ways.

      (Agree about the superhero thing. Flying is the best attribute to have.)

  7. According to Aquarius, my favorite ice cream (and candy) would gag the heck out of me!! Maple bacon ice cream?!! Come on...get serious. My favorite candy is pecan praline!! Not even clise to Skittles. Now, the shoes are a bit mire accurate (tho barefoot is my preference)

    1. Anni--Aha! But do you read a lot of Steampunk? That's what I really want to know! LOL. Your favourite candy pegs you as a true Southerner.

  8. Dee--So glad you got a chuckle out of this post. I know I did. I want that writing job--deciding upon all these other Things For The Zodiac. It wouldn't even feel like work!

    I'm laughing about Super Grover being your superhero. "Hiiiii-Yaaaaaa!...I'm okay."

    And Giroux in a tophat and goggles.

  9. I'm a Pisces (which I could NOT SPELL JUST NOW WHAT THE HECK) and most of that wasn't accurate for me. Now, four years ago I did declutter my books just before our move south, but I've managed to keep most of them on my kindle (I need space for yarn!). My favorite ice cream is Phish Food, and Rocky Road will do in a pinch, but that blue stuff? No. I read all kinds of books, but tragedy is probably my least favorite. I could actually use some kitten heels so maybe I'll use this chart as my excuse to shop. AND I am DEFINITELY Wonder Woman (but maybe not the version from the latest movie which was apparently terrible?). As for candy, if it doesn't contain chocolate can it really be called candy?

    That was fun! I love these kinds of charts.

    1. Bug--As I've gotten older, I've moved away from ice creams full of stuff. I prefer smooth ice creams with maybe a ribbon of flavour like peanut butter or something. I don't feel like I want to chew my ice cream.

      I still enjoy a lot of Victorian novels, so I guess you could say I like Tragedy. And I fell in love with the novel Hamnet, which was quite tragic and beautiful.

      Chocolate is always my preference. I struggle with candy that has no chocolate component. Rick loves lots of non-chocolate candies: Twizzlers, gumdrops, conversation hearts, jelly beans--they all fill his candy dish at one time or another. I live for M&M's. But not in an easily accessible place. That would be disastrous.

      This was a worky post, but fun. It was time for Fun.

  10. I am a Leo like your Rick and it was a miss for me on all of the categories. I got rid of lots of my clothes when I retired a couple of years ago, vanilla ice cream is my favorite, I don't eat candy (maybe candy corn at Halloween), walking shoes or sandals are my choice, and I love mysteries a lot! I guess I could be Super(wo)man but I am feeling like an old, tired Super(wo)man then! ;)
    Thanks for the fun!

    1. Ellen--Ah, so you DID declutter the wardrobe, like a good Leo! LOL.

      I don't need to declutter my kitchen gadgets, either. But my son Sam, also a Taurus, is a gadget guy, and his kitchen has a ton of them. Soda stream, air fryer, crockpot, convection/toaster oven, and then some. These are hit and miss, for sure.

      I feel like you mystery readers are so lucky; there are always so many mysteries to read. It seems like all the books are mysteries, and I'm just not fond of them. I burned out on mysteries in my youth.

      Lots of women can be classified as Superwomen, I think. We do it all, and we are responsible for so much. No wonder you--and so many of us--are tired! Hang in there, dear Ellen, and take care of yourself. I'm glad you got some smiles from this post.

  11. I'm not into astrology so I decided to choose what I liked in each category, disregarding the predictions. Hence I am a sagittarius - taurus - virgo - sagittarius - cancer - libra. Or a junk drawer - mint chocolate chip [sorry nance] - almond joy - slip on sandals - historical - Ironman. Thanks for helping me get to know myself better.

    1. Ally Bean--Interesting--and really fun!--take. And I'm so glad to leave you as much mint chocolate chip ice cream and as many Almond Joys as you desire.

  12. Mine are all a wash aside from Almond Joys and Cat Woman; those two I can get on board with. How fun....nonsense is what we need right now, so this was FUN nonsense.
    I'd give you lots and lots of Reeses if we could see Rick in a pair of ankle bow heels.

    1. BB Suz--I wouldn't know if I were like Catwoman or not. I remember the old Julie Newmar incarnation, but I don't recall her being anything but kind of annoying, not a superhero.

      I'd give you lots and lots of Almond Joys if you could get Rick into anything other than ugly work boots.

  13. This one sent me into a fit of giggles....can you see ME in fur-embellished stilettos?!? OMG!!! I'm afraid the only category that remotely hit me was I truly am a fan of a good (mind you, it must be GOOD!) thriller. And just for the record, I'd be happy to eat your mint chocolate chip ice cream.

    1. steph--I'm trying to think of any of my friends who would wear fur-embellished stilletos. Most of them would say that I'd be the one who would be most likely to wear them, but certainly in my past life.

      I think the last really good thriller I read--if this counts as a thriller--was Eye of the Needle by Follett. So long ago! Maybe I need to try one again, so please give me a recommendation.

  14. I'm a Pisces and am definitely Wonder Woman. The rest, not so much. I am utterly and always connected to the ocean, however; it is the hardest thing for me living here in Ohio, away from my beloved shores of New Jersey and Maine. I will have to show these lists to my daughter; she and her friends are big into astrology, which just cracks me up. All in good fun, though.

    1. Elle--I love that you embrace your own Wonder Woman. I get that you pine for your Ocean. Those that grow up near the water have that yearning for it, and it it's the Ocean, it must then be Ocean.

      Your daughter and her friends will likely enjoy these New Astrology breakdowns. I wonder if the choices will be any more accurate with younger people. Let us know!

      (I know you're not missing nor'easters...!)

  15. Well, well, well I am a Cancer. I have a bunch of old photos and last year weeding a lot out of the pack. No to coconut ice cream, no to velvet books, I am a Birkenstock gal and absolutely no to sour patch anything!

    1. Meredith--Thanks for playing! I'm finding that most of these are wrong, wrong, wrong. But who cares? It's fun.

  16. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I just found your site, enjoyed the little info, but nothing much matched my Cancer tastes.
    Read that you like all things Lincoln-have your read Mrs. Lincoln's Sisters? by Jennifer Chiaverini
    I'm just getting started, so I cant report one way or another but I did sign up to get your emails, so looking forward to it all. I agree with Mereknits-No, Nope, Nada.

    1. Sierra Sue--Not sure why you came up as Sierra Sue in my email but Unknown here on the Web. Regardless, welcome to the Dept. Feel free to browse the archives. I've been writing here for fifteen years about all sorts of things.

      I have not read the book you mentioned; I'll take a look at it. My interest doesn't extend into the Todd family per se although I did visit the family plot while in Lexington a few years back.

  17. I went through a period of time when it was kinda fun reading my horoscope and those of selected others, but ultimately I tired of it. Makeup? I never used much of it in daily life except when I was on stage in amateur theatre. I do darken my eyebrows now which have become almost invisible as I've aged so am not about to "declutter" that or my occasional lipstick.

    I am a Libra and these charts struck out 100% -- not one is accurate for me. I do have to laugh at how far-fetched they are and the idea someone actually got paid to come up with these.
    I've never been into the Marvel comics so have no use for the super heroes, their movies, or recent craze for them. Needless to say Ironman means zilch to me -- not my cup of tea. Incidentally, blue is my favored color and I was delighted with the addition of blue M&M's. There are limits to my accepting blue in other things.

    1. Joared--I still dislike--heartily--the blue M&M. KitKats for you? No chocolate fudge brownie ice cream? You don't wear heeled mules? How could they have been so wrong? LOL.

  18. Late to the party but those astrological "pairings" are quite something for sure. As a Cancer, the most accurate pairing for me is the need to declutter old photos. But that's an emotional journey I don't want to go down right now. I wouldn't turn down coconut ice cream but I'd much rather have the mint chocolate chip ice cream you rejected. I think gummy candies are gross and sour ones even grosser so Sour Patch candy is a big NO. I laugh at even the thought of wearing velvet booties. I'd take the heeled mules or slip-on sandals (although not anything that looks like a Birkenstock) and the lovely weather that goes with those please! Historical fiction is not awful but it's not something I read often. Superheroes are not really my thing. It kind of amazes me that the movies about them continue to proliferate and rake in the dough. Overall, I think reading one's horoscope can be amusing. However, I forget what mine says less than 5 seconds after reading it. If I see my horoscope--even outdated ones--I always read them though. Perhaps because they tend to be upbeat messages or at least common sense ones and we can all use a little more of both those types of messages. I saw your comment on 2020 still being very much with us and I feel that. Hoping that the arrival of Spring will help dispel the remnants but I suspect we have longer to go. And Spring seems slow in coming. We have freezing rain right now and the yard is already a mostly frozen pond. I am not kidding when I say I look at the weather forecast online a dozen times a day, trying to breathe warmth into the forecasts. I get excited when I see multiple days above freezing--even in the 50s!--but go back for another look to answer my mom's or the "kids" questions on the weather and the temps have regressed. Sigh.

    1. Shirley--Not late to the party at all. I'm late to writing a new post. The February Funk has settled in and I'm surrounded by over a foot of snow. I feel De-motivated and trapped.

      I think we can all agree that these astrological choices are Terrible overall. And that for most of us, Astrology is at most a hobby and at the very least a five-second read in the morning newspaper. Like you, I read it and then completely forget about it. Wasn't it Nancy Reagan who insisted that her husband--unfortunately the President of the United States--tailor his behaviour according to his horoscope? Yikes. And everyone thinks Mary Lincoln was a problem.

      I look at the forecast a lot, too, mainly because I long for this snow to melt and be gone. I had to take my mother to the doctor yesterday and she must have said "I'm sure tired of all this snow" at least thirty times (Alzheimer's). That just made it worse.

      Today, we may see 40 briefly. Tomorrow, 44. No real sun, but if it's windy, some snow may go. Fingers crossed! It's almost March.

  19. OMG!!! How did I miss this post. I'm a Virgo...or rather Catwoman! Not sure I'm into the white booties and I don't really like almond joys. Vanilla bean ice cream is ok, but I'd prefer maple walnut which didn't show up anywhere. I have to go now - time to clean out my purse!

    1. Vera--I'm sorry you missed this post and, even more, sorry that I just now found this comment in my spam folder. Why Blogger suddenly tossed you in there is beyond me!

      I love maple walnut ice cream,too, but it's not really my favourite. It seems that these zodiac pairings missed big time with pretty much everyone. I do like thinking of you as Catwoman, though.


Oh, thank you for joining the fray!

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