8 Parts of Speech--Oh, I do so love marshaling nouns and dynamic verbs, those expressive adjectives and actively precise adverbs. And while I am not too proud to admit an Unhealthy Obsession With The Semicolon, I still appreciate a well-placed conjunction here and there. Yada yada yada, and holy crap! (That's an interjection, by the way (prepositional phrase right there), and do you--pronoun alert--see what I did there?) we're done. I suppose the Defender of The Language would have a few things to say about not using brackets instead of double parentheses, but maybe she'll let me slide on my Eighth Anniversary.
8 Tiny Reindeer--Holidays, and all of my family's Rules And Regulations concerning them, give me great ideas for posts. My disdain for Halloween; my deep admiration for Thanksgiving; my antipathy for Christmas inflatables (and my hidden desire to be a BB Gun Vigilante and deflate them all); my No Christmas Music Or Displays Before December First Rule; my battles and joys regarding The Perfect Christmas Tree and its upkeep are all subjects I've written copiously of both here and at my now-defunct co-authored blog Stuff On Our List, which Jared and I abandoned years ago. (But you can still read all the posts.) Imagine my horror when yesterday, 21 AUGUST, I heard my first mention of The Holidays and Christmas Layaway on television. Outrageous. IT IS AUGUST. Please, all Overachievers, kindly refrain from exclamations of "I've already started/finished/wrapped/given all of my Christmas presents!" Don't make me come over there.
8 Virtues of the Samurai--As enumerated in the Bushido, the 8 virtues are Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honor, Loyalty, and Character. I know, right? What in the hell does this blog have to do with any of these traits? The key here should have been in the word "Virtues." I'm 54. My days of Virtue are Over. In all seriousness, however, I am, as I have always maintained, on a Continuous Journey Of Self-Improvement. In the past, I have, for a variety of reasons, equated Kindness with Weakness. I have come to realize that this is a serious flaw in reasoning. I have also tried to become more Courageous. Loyalty and Sincerity have always been important to me along with, thanks to my father's influence, Character.
8 Rules of Fight Club--Let me say firstly that I really don't care for this film. (It is, unfailingly, the favourite film of teenaged and twentysomething males.) The first two rules of Fight Club are the same: You do not talk about Fight Club. It's private. I get that. I'm a Very Private Person. Even though I have a public blog, name myself, my husband, and my kids here, I don't identify much else. At least not much that you can pin down. It's laughable, really, because there are eleventy billion blogs out there, and who cares who I am? Or where I am? It's not like I'm in the Witness Protection Program, or that I'm a secret IRA operative, or that I'm CIA or something. It's just that I enjoy my privacy. There are a few people out there who might want to know where I am, and I'd rather that they didn't. I like an uncomplicated life. But a few of you have wondered/asked several times about what I look like. And it's not really a cat with glasses. So, for those of you who are, as one of you once put it, "painfully curious", I've put up a few photos on a new page tagged "It's Me". I'll leave it up for a little while. But no Facebook. Do not talk about The Facebook. As the Magic 8 Ball would say, "Very doubtful. Outlook not so good."
But, where are my manners? What kind of Samurai would I be if I were not Polite enough to offer you some birthday cake? Let's go for something a little lighter this year. After all, I'm not getting any younger, and those Meno-pounds are getting really tough to lose.
post header image here
delicious cake found here