Naturally, there's so much to chat about in this picture, it's all I can do to restrain myself.
Yet, I shall.
Let's confine ourselves to merely discussing/dissecting the obviously inept attempt by the woman on our far right (in the ill-fitting and inappropriate white V-neck teeshirt) at making a coherent sign.
We all know that when someone begins with the disclaimer, "I'm not a racist" that we are due in short order to hear something most certainly racist, or at the very least, racially insensitive or culturally ignorant. And here in front of us is a mob of Caucasian individuals--albeit bored and disengaged-looking ones--clustered around, carrying signs aimed at what is surely a non-Caucasian group of people, telling them all that they need to be forcibly removed.
Our next talking point has to be the use of the dollar sign for the "S" in the word "racists." I don't get it. What's the message there? "We're not mercenary and we're not racists, so there's that, too"? "Hey! We could be money-hungry racists, but we're just the regular old middle-class kind of racists who give to charity, so give us a break here"? Is it some sort of Racists' Code? Help me out here. Am I just stupid?
Finally, for those of you who are sitting at your computers/mobile devices incredulously, shouting, "HOLY CRAP! COULD NANCE NOT HAVE NOTICED THAT RACISTS IS SPELLED INCORRECTLY!?": patience is a virtue. I'm getting there.
What would a Prodigy Of The Week post be without misspelling? And this one has two errors to taunt us: the egregious "RA$CISTS" as well as the ever-so cringeworthy misuse of "your," which is so awful, so execrable, so horrifying that I'm not even sure it is a spelling error as much as it is a usage error or just a donkeyheaded mistake by yet another doodah hepped up on Fox and WalMart two-liters.
Hey, you ersatz raci$t lady. Your are idiotic.
Oh my - thank you so much for this. I needed a true belly laugh to start my weekend down the right path. I wonder if the dollar sign is actually a very bad attempt to cross out the "s" because she figured out it's supposed to be a "c"? Although I like it being a $ instead - it's just that much more fun.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this teaparty princess was trying to make a reference to her musical idol, Ke$ha, who is also not RA$CIST because she wakes up every morning feeling like P. Diddy, who is, in fact, an African American male. If anything she's just empha$izing her point. I totally understand homegirl here. sike.
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are so gross, yet oh-so funny haha.
I'm so glad I found you!! It's amazing how stupid so many people are.
ReplyDeleteAnd your are so funny! PS: In my continuing rant against the "system," I plan to use some of the comment you left at my place, vis-a-vis the whacky administrator. I had to wear several hats today, including social worker. Didn't get much teaching done...
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is it's a good thing there are no tests to see which "born Americans" get to stay. Well, at least it's a good thing for the Tea Party ilk.
Melissa B.--Thank you're. I hope you don't look as bad in hats as I do. ;-)
ReplyDeleteCourtney Ann--I thought he was just "Diddy" now. Why I would even know that is beyond me, seeing as how I stopped listening to current music in 1989. LOL.
Rose--And I am glad to be found! Here at the Dept., we are one of the last bastions of Intelligence. Stay here. We are Your People.
The Bug--I considered that explanation. And then discarded it immediately when I saw her shirt. ;-)
Shirley gfe--I know, right? I advocated something similar with my Wine Tasting post. The teaparty should have to take a test to see if they really even know the Constitution that they so heartily and mistily invoke. They sure as hell don't know socialism.
ReplyDeleteAre we sure that is a dollar sign? Perhaps it a crossed out S. Maybe a Tea Party Smarticle caught the error and corrected it by crossing out the S. Nah. Nevermind.
ReplyDeleteI figure the dark haired woman with the "Deport Illegals" sign is a ringer from the FBI.
ReplyDeleteShe is new at the game and she's blowing her cover by spelling both words on her sign correctly.
She'll learn how to fit in with the Tea Party crowd. She must have missed the "Tea party spelling class" at the Academy. Next time her sign will be just right.
To think that these people procreate and that we teachers are faced with the challenge of educating their poor, genetically disadvantaged offspring. $igh.
ReplyDeleteMikey G--Maybe they'll put their kids in Christian schools or charter schools to save their kids from the socialist liberal agendas of the failing public schools that the grasping government picks their pockets to pay for. Or they'll home school them while they're Looking for Superman. And we'll be spared. (Or you'll be. I'll escape pretty soon.)
ReplyDeleteNancy-- I thought it would be "De-Port Illeagals".
Sister Susan--There are no teasmarties. LOL. If there were, they'd be bright enough to realize the kind of "organization" it is and GTFO as quickly as they could.
So the guy who says he's not racist, he's pro immigration. No wonder he looks so bored. Why isn't he at home, if he's not racist and likes immigrants? Settle down, Mr.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I love you. No one else gets as worked up about spelling as the two of us, I'm guessing. Don't those people realize how stupid they look?
ReplyDeleteapathy lounge--Well, kiss kiss. I get worked up by poor spelling on display, especially. Point being (as if I need to explain to My Smart Readers) that if you are going to draw attention to yourself/your message, wouldn't you at least take the trouble of being clear and accurate in your communication? Sigh. Answer from teaparty morons: No. (or "Huh?")
ReplyDeleteJ.@jj--Exactly. What is he even doing there? Maybe he's lost. (Boy, is he ever.
J.@jj. Oops. Here's the rest of that parentheses. ) That kind of thing drives me (and Siren) crazy.
ReplyDeleteI really do wonder if they know how wrong their signs are. Does anyone ever tell them? Do they not believe them? Maybe I should go to a rally and point out all the incorrect spellings. Then again, that could be dangerous for me. Oh wait a minute, but they're not racist!
ReplyDeleteGive me your tired, your poor,
ReplyDeleteYour huddled ma$$es
yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refu$e of your teeming $hore.
$end the$e, the homele$$,
the tempe$t-to$t to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
(Because I am not a ra$cist).
Emma would have taken in the ancestors of those tea-baggers and taught them how to read and write and spell in English. She would have been hard-pressed to teach them how to think, however.
Give me your tired, your poor,
ReplyDeleteYour huddled ma$$es
yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refu$e of your teeming $hore.
$end the$e, the homele$$,
the tempe$t-to$t to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
(Because I am not a ra$cist).
Emma would have taken in the ancestors of those tea-baggers and taught them how to read and write and spell in English. She would have been hard-pressed to teach them how to think, however.
Oops! The Word-Ver told me it did not publish the first time. I guess it was such a good comment it had to be published twice. Ahem. (The Word-Ver is now "nyinni". I think that's close enough to "ninny.")
ReplyDeleteYou are far from being a ninny,Ortizzle.
ReplyDeleteI thought your comment was brilliant.
Ortizzle--Blogger was acting up for me, too, yesterday. It's really being a bitch. Anyway--first, a hearty "ditto" to Nancy's staunch support. Secondly, we all know that the teaparty and their disgusting leader G. Beck would have already melted down the Golden Door and socked it away to protect themselves for when we all have to turn in our American dollars for euros or yen. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteAnali--If you went, here's what would happen: 1. they'd accuse you of being an elitist with your fancy spelling and grammar rules; 2. they'd ask to see your birth certificate; 3. they'd tell you that you only voted for Obama because you were black, not that they're racist or anything because some of their best friends are black, but that's just how it is, you know?
Unbe(*ing)lievable. Or not. I clearly recall some of my grade nine students who could have whipped up signs like this in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteI really love these posts - a spot of laughter on a dull day!
Mary G.--Glad always to give you a chuckle. Sad that it has to be in a way that exposes such Dumb Americans. Sigh.