Wednesday, February 26, 2025

This Old Lady

his lousy winter has made me start to Feel My Age, and I wonder what kind of Old Lady I'll be. I mean, I've had several Old Lady examples to look to, but really, it's one of those things I have to figure out for myself. 

Certainly, I would rather not be an Old Lady. I'm resentful of the limitations I'm suddenly experiencing, lending me new empathy for my saintly grandmother Ethel who used to always lament, "My mind wants to do so many things, but this old body just won't let me!" She used to go to her doctor and warn him not to tell her that any of her problems were due to Old Age, or to be overly cautious in his treatments, either. Grandma once told him to just remove one of her toes that kept giving her problems; she was tired of dealing with it. She was still doing floor exercises on a mat in her nursing home room in her nineties. She made all my winter coats until I was 13, and she did that for dozens of grandchildren. Her sense of organization and ambition were formidable. I never inherited her skill in sewing, but I did inherit her arthritis, sadly, and I'd like to think I got my sense of order from her, too. 

Her mother, my Great Grandma Hetsler was the most horrible person I ever knew. On the unfortunate days that our visits to Grandma's house coincided with Grandma Hetsler's stays, I was devastated. She sat in the living room like a Puritan judge, ramrod straight, with her grey hair pulled back in a severe bun. She wore little glasses and her face wore a constant pained look. Her cane was always in her hand, at the ready. She disapproved of girls wearing pants, and she always said so, both to us and to our mother. And whenever we were close enough, she whacked us, hard, on the back of our legs with her cane. There was no reason at all other than she wanted to or took some perverse pleasure in it. I constantly appealed to my mother and my grandmother, but all they said was, "She's an old lady. Just never mind her." I made a vow as a child to never, ever be like her, and to always listen to my children.

My husband's grandmother, who liked to be called G-Ma, and who had a hand in raising him, was one of the kindest women I ever knew. Each and every one of her grandkids was perfect, a superhero, a genius, and the best at their job. They all made all the right decisions always. That woman was the biggest cheerleader for her grandkids and, eventually, their spouses and great-grandkids. She lived only a few blocks away from us when we were just starting out with our house, and one day she drove over with a huge watermelon she'd gotten on sale, and wanted Rick to cut it up so that we could have most of it. We did it right in the front yard on the tailgate of her station wagon. There were a lot of birthdays when her gift was a car payment or grocery gift card. She was special. I hope I showed her how much I appreciated her when she was still with us. She really knew the value of Truly Being There.

Today, this Old Lady went grocery shopping, swore at her car (I hate that it gives me a score for my driving that goes lower if I use the heat ), took a walk in the rain, and sat with her cat while he watched a video of birds and squirrels (because he asked to). She signed petitions against republican bullshit and wrote emails to Congress. She said The Eff Word about 20 times to no one in particular. And she ate lunch with her son. So, for now, I'm That Kind Of Old Lady.


Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Good Riddance, January! A Celebration With Photos And A New Mantra

January is over, everyone, and I feel great about it. That month lasted approximately eleventy thousand years and was inordinately shitful. Not only did we have a Real Winter the entire month, I had to hear from all the people who were actually happy about it. There's a word for those people, but my Innate Kindness prohibits me from saying it here.


I'm painfully aware that Things In General are still...Upsetting, (vast understatement) thanks to Certain People. But, to quote Maya, "What I can control is going really well." If that isn't a worthy mantra/goal statement for These Times, then I don't know what is. So I'm going to celebrate a few things right here and right now.

Celebration Photo #1:

This is a photo taken of the beautifully clear sidewalks ahead of me on my walk. Note that there is No Snow to speak of, and not because everyone shoveled. It's because it all melted away. HOORAY! Do you also see all that grass? Isn't it wonderful? I wore my sneakers! And because it was OVER FIFTY DEGREES, I also eschewed my winter coat and fleece-lined leggings and wore a bigass hooded sweatshirt and normal leggings. I walked longer and lighter and it was fantastic.

Celebration Photo #2

Sam came home one day and Zydrunas did not come down to meet him because he was upstairs in bed taking his big nap. (He's an old man now and not as vigilant a watchdog as he used to be.) When Sam went upstairs, he found Z wearing Emily's...garment. She assured me IN ALL CAPS that it is a PAIR OF SHORTS! I told her I was going to tell the entire Internet that it is a pair of her underwear. You decide. Either way, Zydrunas looks a little bit like he'd rather not have been discovered wearing them. I think Dogs are always something to celebrate! 

Celebration Photo #3

This is my car in the carwash. Before this, my shiny black car looked sad and awful. It was the same colour as the roads--whitish grey. I couldn't go to the carwash because it was -100 degrees every damn day and my car suffered. Finally, the weather broke, and Rick took me on a date to get it washed. I absolutely adore the carwash; I never stop getting a kick out of it. I am like a child, and I don't care. I'm also a cheap date.

Is everything wonderful? No, but I'm not talking about that right now. I feel good. I'm walking every day (thank you, Rick, again, for my heated coat!) and loving it. Theo is getting a third tooth and walking, talking, and using ASL, too. I'm spending the day with him on Saturday. What I can control is going really well.

What about you?

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm Gonna Let It Shine: A Street Light Saga And So Much More


Julie wrote a terrific post on 20 January that resonated so much with me. I think you should go read it, but in summary, it was about feeling awful about the results of the election, but at the same time, not wanting to go back to that stress we constantly felt in 2016-2019. So many of us worked hard, writing letters to voters, campaigning, donating money and time, and phone banking--and of course, voting ourselves. Was there really anything else we could have done? It's time now to focus on what we can change, and make the world around us--our communities--a better place.

I did just that recently in my community, right here on my street. It's quite a saga, so get comfy.

In late September of 2024 the streetlight right across the street from our house went dark. That light has been problematic for years, going through bulbs like crazy. We didn't think anything of it, figuring that pretty soon, it would be repaired. 

During Trick-or-Treat on Halloween, however, it was still not fixed. Kids were going from house to house in the dark; not everyone on our street participated, so lots of porch lights were off. Some parents had flashlights, but not all. It really wasn't safe. 

The first week of November, the clocks turned back, and the street seemed dark all the time. People started leaving their porch lights on in the morning before they went to work so that they could enter their cars safely and come home to a well-lit driveway. Still, no repair crew had been out, nor had any representative from First Energy Co. I called their office and was routed through a lengthy automated system which demanded my account number. I didn't have it; Rick pays all the bills online. When I finally got to a Real Person, I was told she could not move past the initial screen to do anything without my account number. I hung up.

Rick called--with our Sacred Account Number--and filed a repair request, receiving an email notification of same. Two weeks later, no repair, and our mailman, on a late route, needed a flashlight to deliver mail on our end of the street.

I decided to get online and see if I could file a request for repair that way. I could, and they did not need my account number! And thus began our long journey, which you will see chronicled below:


Name: Nance D
Account Number: null
Request Type: Public Safety
Subject: # 000772104226
Text: This work order represents 8 weeks of continued inaction on the part of Ohio Edison to replace a bulb on a streetlight. In the meantime, USPS workers have had to use flashlights to deliver mail, children trick-or-treated in the dark unsafely, women (and men!) go out to their cars in the morning for work in the pitch dark and come home to the same, unless they leave their own porch lights on all day. When I made two phone calls, I was told I could not make a report unless I gave my account number, which is ludicrous.
The last contact via email was on 12/3; it said repairs would occur in 5 days. It is almost 2 weeks later, and no one has even been out to look at the streetlight.
Doubtless this report will also be ignored, which is sad. Our street is unsafe. You have failed your responsibilities.

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: # 000772104226 #167122390

 Nance D;

 Thank you for bringing your streetlight concerns to our attention. We are happy to assist you. We recognize the importance of making timely repairs to malfunctioning streetlights.

Our records show a repair notification was entered on 12/03/2024 has been forwarded to the appropriate work center for completion. The ticket is still open and active.

Please be advised, if the repair involves more than a bulb or photocell replacement, it can take longer than 5 days for completion. There is currently a backlog of repair orders, and our crews are working to schedule and make repairs as fast as possible.

 We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Josh | Customer Service 

On 18 December 2024 20:17 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:

Josh (Customer “Service”),

 Hi there.

Regardless of how happy you may be to assist me, you really haven’t. Your email simply told me things I already know:

  1. My work order is still not being acted upon.
  2. My original work order back in November was ignored, as were my phone calls.
  3. The lack of repair and lack of a working streetlight is an inconvenience for you.
  4. You falsely presume that I have patience in this matter.

 Again, not a single crew or repair person or representative from Ohio Edison or any person subcontracted by Ohio Edison has been out to look at this streetlight to even ascertain what it needs; therefore, the excuse of the repair possibly needing more than 5 days due to a complexity is moot. Also, I outlined the reasons this outage is more than an inconvenience and is a public safety hazard.

 This response, emailed within five business days, serves to advise you that this issue has not been resolved and has not adequately responded to my concerns.

 Thanks, Josh. I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and please be advised, I won’t hesitate to contact you again since you’re so happy to assist me.

 Nance D

Customer of over 40 years whose bills are paid on time

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2024 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

 Nance D;

 Thank you for your reply. We have reached out to the local repair center and spoken with the work coordinator. He is assigning the order to a field crew for repair today.

 We hope you have a great holiday season!


Josh | Customer Service 

On 21 December 2024 12:49 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:


I’m sorry (but not at all surprised) to inform you that no field crew or repair responded to the above work orders. The streetlight at 210____Avenue, ____Ohio,  remains dark and ignored. Perhaps when you said, “He is assigning he order to a field crew for repair today” you really meant to say, “He is assigning the order today to a field crew for repair.” Syntax matters, Josh. I think you can see the difference here. So…which was it? Either way, we still don’t have a streetlight in working order, and our street isn’t safe.


Nance D

Trying to sustain a holiday mood  

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

 Nance D;

 Thank you for your reply. We have reached out to the local repair center for an update. We will reply to this email as soon as we receive a response.

 We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.


Josh | Customer Service

On 31 December 2024 12:47 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:


Just by way of an update, and to clarify, it is now ten (10) days since you told me that the streetlight at 210____Avenue, ____Ohio, was being repaired. Previous to that, its outage was reported over two months ago. It is still NOT repaired.

I am also not a patient individual, either. Nor is this a delay; it is an outright denial of service.

Let’s do try to deal honestly here.


Nance D

Gathering Evidence

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2025 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

Nance D,

Thank you for your reply. We have been in contact with our dispatcher on 01/03/2025 to have this request expedited be completed as soon as possible, however, an exact completion date has not been provided.

We understand the potential risks associated with this light being out, and we share your commitment to resolving this matter promptly. Rest assured, that we have forwarded your concerns, and we are making every effort to finalize our schedule and allocate resources to address this concern. The repairs will be completed as soon as possible.


Andrea | Customer Service

On 7 January 2025 14:10 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:


I see that I have been handed off to you. My previous dealings had been with Josh.

As of today, 01/07/2025, nothing has been done to repair the streetlight at 210____Avenue, ____Ohio. It remains dark, as it has been for over 3 months. Yesterday, our postal carrier had to use a flashlight to deliver mail—again. With the recent snowstorms, people are having to go out and shovel/snowblow in unsafe, dark conditions.

It’s not enough to “understand the potential risks with this light being out.” I understand them, too. The difference is that I actually care. My concerns keep being forwarded, yet they never arrive to a destination where anyone shares my concerns enough to do anything about them.

You/First Energy and I have a vastly different idea of what the word “promptly” means. And kindly do not insult me by saying that you share my commitment to resolving this matter promptly.

Nance D

Ready to engage a third party

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

Nance D,

We regret any frustration that has been created. We spoke with our dispatcher again on 01/08/2025. Unfortunately, our Line Crew is experiencing delays and are behind in scheduling. Our Line Crew is still aware of this request, and due to the volume of streetlight requests, this caused a backlog in our streetlight repairs. In addition, to the volume of streetlights, when storms, outages and emergencies beyond our control arises, our crews are assigned away from their day-to-day duties to assist. While we will continue to make our best effort to expedite this request, sometimes factors beyond our control can cause delays.


Andrea | Customer Service

On 14 January 2025 15:27 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:


Please understand that this light has been out for several months. It’s incredible to me that in that time a crew could not be sent out to make that simple repair. If there is such a backlog of streetlight requests/repairs, then it would seem that there is insufficient manpower. While this may not be in your purview, it certainly seems as if it’s an insufficient reason for the lack of timely action. And I must disagree that a best effort is being made here. Absolutely no effort is being made. Basically, someone has a request for a repair to a streetlight that has been nonfunctioning since at least October. That is not effort.

Nance D

Aware of my bill; does that mean it is paid?

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

Nance D,

I have forwarded this information to the correct department. I hear your frustration, and once I receive a reply, I will follow up with you in a separate email. We appreciate your continued patience.


Andrea | Customer Service

On 21 January 2025 18:52 UTC, Nance D <> wrote:

Oh, hey, Andrea!

So funny. The streetlight at 210____Avenue, ____Ohio, was actually repaired a few days ago, but due to a backlog of other tasks that required my attention, I’ve experienced a delay in getting correspondence attended to. In addition, the volume of said tasks has been such that I’ve had to be elsewhere rather than at my computer, creating even more delays. Rest assured, however, that I appreciate your patience and, even though you have absolutely no idea or authority concerning this matter, I know you’ll continue to do whatever it is that you’ve been doing. Or not doing.


Nance D

From: FE Customer Service <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: # 000772104226 #167122390

Nance D,

We are happy to hear the light has been repaired. We were made aware this afternoon by our Line Crew that the repairs have been completed. Thank you again for your patience and letting us know. Have a wonderful day!


Andrea | Customer Service 


Victory! Of course, we did lose Josh along the way, but every battle has its casualties. Our street light is shining brightly, and our street is so much safer. And even though I was serious about my cause--and frustrated mightily--I admit to having fun, too. Could you tell?

So I'm adding my voice to Julie's. Focus on what you can change. Work hard for what you believe in. Accept what you cannot change, but make your voice heard. Shine your light!


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