Friday, January 08, 2021

Real Talk: January 6, 2021


I did a lot of back and forthing about writing this post, not because I worried about its content being too inflammatory, but because I already feel so consumed by the shock, outrage, and anger I've felt over the events of January 6. Sometimes, writing about it simply rekindles the flames, and I'm left feeling a renewed sense of indignance with nowhere to put it.

But I almost feel hypocritical not talking about it here, where I express myself about virtually everything, and where The Politics have certainly been a constant topic for me over the fifteen years of this blog's run.

What galls me most is that a pathetically large faction of republicans (and I will never, ever capitalize that word, ever) will not only continue to serve as apologists to the person who outright fomented and encouraged this insurrection, but will also blame it on others and rewrite history in order to do so. They will carry on as before, perpetuating their lies, merely to salvage the support of the reprehensible individuals who overran the Capitol, planting bombs, looking to take hostages, overthrow the government, and, according to at least one source, hold daylong executions. 

Even after the Capitol was retaken, order was restored inside, and the process of affirming and certifying the Electoral College votes was continued, arrogant and tone-deaf republicans still objected, adding fuel to the criminals' fire. They did this, knowing full well that it would not change the outcome. They did this for their own selfish interest, merely to court the votes of the animals who had stampeded into these politicians' sacred grounds of their own bastion of Democracy, hoping to keep their jobs for another term. 

They make me sick.

As do all supporters of this maniac. I have no use for any of them. The so-called christians (they don't get a capital letter anymore, either), evangelicals, and right-to-lifers who called him a godly president and thanked Jesus for him--they have the blood of thousands on their hands, including those who died in the coup attempt on January 6.  They have been fools and idiots, but that does not excuse them. Willful ignorance is no excuse. They got what they asked for. Sadly, we got what they asked for, too.

As I write this, the movement is underway to remove this horrifically dangerous individual by impeachment. Again. His cowardly cabinet slunk away under a flurry of resignations, and his bootlicking vice president is too beholden to that same trashy constituency to invoke the 25th Amendment. Is there any single republican individual who will do the right thing and help save this country? That is asking too much from republicans, who care only for themselves and their jobs. It is a sickness among them, this selfishness, and their supporters are too stupid to see it and too dumb to switch the channel away from Fox and OAN and other poisonous, treasonous outlets that are their opiates.

I have decided that my New Year will begin on January 20th, the exact moment that Joseph R. Biden is sworn in as President of the United States of America. I won't breathe a peaceful breath until that happens. I am not a believer, but I beseech the Universe provide him with safety. I keep thinking of President Lincoln's Inauguration and the snipers on the roof, their long guns at the ready. Like President Lincoln, President Biden is a man born for these times, a man born to unite this country.

I grieve the ideals of President Lincoln's party. How far they have fallen. 


  1. Nance, I agree with your strong words in this post. These people must be held accountable for their actions including their lying leader.
    I hope for strong security to keep Biden/Harris safe throughout their administration as these domestic terrorists are a danger to us all.
    Stay safe and stay hopeful, Nance.

    1. Ellen--If social media is any barometer, the FBI is going to be busy. It's my understanding that hundreds of them have been outed by fb, twitter, tik tok, and other outlets. So many of them have been stupid enough to post video of themselves inside the Capitol and leave it up. Here in Cleveland, local news outlets have already identified three people and sent their reports to the FBI. One of them is a Cleveland public school teacher (she resigned), one owns a business and denies everything even though he is on video, and another is a man who said, "Some knuckleheads rushed the Capitol, but it wasn't me." Yeah, knuckleheads is the new word for people with bombs, flex cuffs, guns, and gas.

      I am thrilled with the Dems holding the Senate, the House, and the Presidency. It feels safer to me that way now. Like you, I hope for strong security and that any loyalists to the traitor are rooted out.

      I am guardedly optimistic. But these next 11 days are going to be tenuous if he isn't removed.

  2. such sad and shocking scenes, keeping you in our prayers,

  3. What a miserable mess. I was happy with how Pence acted about attesting the vote. Not so happy he will not go to Article 25 - he must know better than many just how far from reality Trump has moved. One thing I wonder about is what Nancy Pelosi was told when she tried to find out what the rules behind the suitcase bomb are and if Trump could be stopped from using it. I guess we can only hope that whomever is carrying the briefcase is ethical and not a Trump enabler and is prepared to say 'no'. Here is the question. Why, even now, are so many people afraid to say no to the man? And this fear manifests in more than just the politicians who want to inherit his base.
    A lot of us are sitting up here worrying. A lot. Nance, I cried on Wednesday watching the debacle. It could happen here as well. If it can happen to you, it can happen anywhere. And that is truly tragic.

    1. Mary--You ask a good question, and it's one that I have been asking for more than four years now. I am astonished at the number of people who enable him and are in his thrall/cult. I will never, ever understand it.

      He has struck fear into many nations, and I'm sorry for it. These next ten days or so are tense for all of us. I know millions and millions of other nationals are looking with great hope toward President Biden and Vice President Harris. The collective sigh of relief may just move the jet stream off its course and hasten global climate change.

      Help us hang on, dear Canadians, and we promise it will be worth it.

  4. Nancy ,agreed with every word. My new year starts 1/21 I pray someone keeps The current person in the WHITE house sedated. He's a danger to us all. I am so proud of Joe and Kamala, they are already ready to go! They take their oath and their nation seriously. I'm happy with won back the Senate. I did some post card writings for Jon. O this summer. I had no idea who he was. But the postcards movement is for all kinds of democratic candidates around the country. SO i feel good that I at least knew some of the candidates in other states. Stay safe Nance. Your honestly is wonderful

    1. kathy b--First, thank you for campaigning for Jon Ossoff. He is a terrific person, and he will be a great Senator for Georgia's citizens. He's energetic, cares about all people, and has some awesome ideas.

      I agree that as long as the squatter in the White House is allowed to hold the office, he is a danger to us all and to our country. He must be removed or restrained by legislation.

      As far as my honesty, I hope all of the blog community writes honestly. It's the only way I know to write.

  5. I was waiting for this post. I hope it did you some good to get it all out here instead of rekindling the flames. I agree with you 100% on every single word. It all makes me so sick! Wednesday was such a tragic day for our country. I have been so angry and so heartbroken all at the same time. I never thought we'd see anything like this here, and I'm fearful of what else they might do.

    1. Martha--You already know me so well. It did help me--writing this--from the standpoint that I like to get on the record with people, so to speak. When it's something so important, I need to be heard, and clearly, unequivocally as to where I stand.

      And yes, it is heartbreaking and sickening. This is not an American scenario. Except that now, it is.

  6. After the horrible shock and despair of watching the rampage and waiting for the cavalry to finally arrive, I took great comfort in the fact that order was restored and Congress did what it was supposed to do. To me it meant that the republic had been saved. For the time being anyway. Most of what I've read leads me to believe that neither successful impeachment or 25th amendment removal can be achieved in the remaining time. But I think timeouts enforced by tranquilizer darts might keep him out of mischief (or worse) for the next 12 days.

    1. Yahooski--I took only some comfort, to be honest. The behaviour of Capitol police was troubling, as was the Metro police presence. And then the republicans reverted to typical republican behaviour despite the armed breach and assault.

      If they can ram through a Supreme Court Justice in a week, they can impeach or invoke the 25th Amendment in a week.

  7. Thanks so much for this post, Nance. I remain angry, sickened, and at moments downright distraught over Wednesday's events and largely at a loss of words--adequate words anyway--over it all. It's not enough that we're in the middle of a deadly pandemic because of him and the GOP, we have to have sedition (understatement) and desecration of the Capitol and coming so close to complete mayhem with a massacre on top of that. I keep trying to find hope and knowing that Joe and Kamala are coming soon and that we won GA and the Senate definitely helps but I'm going to be stuck in this mode for a while longer before I can feel comfortable enough to see a brighter future again.

    1. Shirley--I hear you. I keep trying to be hopeful as well. Our joy at winning the Georgia runoffs was quite overtaken by the Capitol Insurrection. I just read that President Biden will be arriving in Washington DC via train from Delaware, and I cannot get President Lincoln out of my mind again. I hope they have a historian advising them is all I can say.

      We have not had sunshine here since December 8th--a whole month. It is starting to get to me. Some sun is forecast for today, thank goodness.

  8. I am sitting over here in the UK watching every news report and following every development over there in the US. Every time I switch on a gadget or TV I am hoping to hear the news that the man has voluntarily resigned. Some hope. Posts like yours make me see that not every American is dumb or evil or bone- headed and that I must not give up on the entire nation and despise every member of it. For months now I’ve watched and ridiculed the situation playing out as a farce but this is so much more dangerous than a farce. For all our sakes, US citizens and the citizens of other nations, I hold on tight to the belief that the worst can be averted and that decency will prevail.

    1. Friko--Please remember that President (elect) Biden won with 80 million of the popular vote. Far more Americans voted for sanity than did not.

      I understand how my country must look to Europe; this individual who has ruined our reputation and been a laughingstock has been a profound wound to the vast majority of us. He lost the popular vote four years ago as well. So many of us are daily sickened by this crass pig. We always knew what he was, and we are shocked and astounded by the way he somehow holds people in thrall.

      These waning days before President Biden takes office are dangerous. But we have great hope for our new president.

  9. I had to write about this terrible event too, for my tomorrow's post. And I am holding my breath that there isn't an attempted repeat on January 20th. Our image in the world is forever changed. We are not longer that beacon on the hill. I am so angry!

    Thanks for this post.

    1. Jean--I'm sure there are things planned--fully out in the open on the dark web and social media, like it was for January 6--for January 20. My hope is that SOMEONE WHO GIVES A SHIT does something about it this time.

      We are an object of pity the world over now, and where we are not that, smug leaders are saying that the US no longer holds the high ground speaking about democracy. And still the republicans don't want to do anything to hold him accountable. Angry doesn't even cover it.

      You're welcome.

  10. SHADES OF “NOT AGAIN” - I lived through a coup attempt in Spain a few years after the new democracy was established following Franco's death. February 23, 1981. I will never forget that day: the infamous “23-F." The paramilitary Guardia Civil burst into Parliament during a presidential election vote count (!), armed with submachine guns. There was no time to get out. Everyone was lying on the floor or hiding behind anything that could shield them, fearing for their lives. I was teaching an English class in a building not far from the Palacio de Las Cortes (equivalent to the Capitol building) when someone burst into the conference room to tell us the news. (The vote count was being broadcast live on the radio, so everyone who was tuned in heard the machine guns firing.) We slipped out a side door and sprinted to the nearest subway station to get home.

    A curfew was soon in effect throughout the country. Tanks were rolling in the streets. We were all terrified. The insurrectionists went to all the media outlets and demanded the television networks broadcast only pre-programmed movies, etc., but no news was allowed. Radio stations were ordered to play military marches nonstop. Except for one: the radio station that had been broadcasting the vote count from within the congressional chambers was still able to get live audio of everything happening. The Spanish dubbed it “La noche de los transistores” = The Night of the Transistor Radio.

    Several hours later, at about 1 in the morning, King Juan Carlos got the primary military generals to back him up and effectively ended the coup. The fledgling democracy in Spain had been saved.

    Watching the horrific scenes unfold two days ago just brought back all those memories. In Spain, once they got control of all the armed forces, the coup was able to be quashed. What’s happening here is so much more frightening because there are so many millions of people (armed to the teeth!) who continue to be fierce followers of this monster. I jumped for joy today when I heard that “@real” had his Twitter account *permanently suspended.* Your final paragraph expresses so perfectly how I am feeling, too. We need to rebuild our country. Listening to Biden speaking this afternoon, I felt comforted and hopeful. May the Universe protect us for the next 12 days. XXOO

    1. Ortizzle--Again, I am astonished (yet, not) at your vast wealth of experiences. OF COURSE you were in Spain during a coup. Goodness!

      There are vivid similarities, and I can see those echoes. It's scary because we are not a fledgling democracy, we are an established and (once) admired and emulated one. It's true that this individual has awakened and legitimized a network of hate groups who now think of themselves as entitled savior patriots. That's why he has to answer to this. Pence is the weak link, unfortunately. The 25th Amendment was custom made, literally, to handle exigencies expressly like this.


    2. Well, I lived in Spain from 1976-1998. I arrived there literally a few weeks after Franco's death, saw the birth of the Constitution, Spain entering the E.U., and a country generally breaking free of 40 years of dictatorship. It was a cultural eye-opener in every sense of the word. —I sure as hell never thought I would live to see the events going on now in this country. Congress *does* need to use the 25th Amendment and/or impeachment. What happened was horrific enough, but the potential for even more death and destruction is even scarier. Something must be done, and done quickly.

  11. I appreciate your writing about one of the worst days in American history. Because your readers are patriots who clearly love America, I have a PSA. Expert watchers of dark Internet pro-*rump groups reported on MSNBC tonight that more attacks are planned for January. It may not be over, and I am so afraid. Anyone who voted for him or had a kind word for him must own this. Thank the Universe for the FBI.

    1. Eileen--I am afraid for President Biden. And for Vice President Harris. I'm sure that these animals aren't satisfied and that they are going to continue to try to make their presence known. This is why it's so important that 45* be called to account for his responsibility and never be allowed to hold office again.

  12. Hear, hear! I can add nothing more to your essay so I'll let you know that I agree with every word you wrote and that I'm glad you wrote it.

  13. Dee--I agree with your charges.

    I'm sure that President Biden's inauguration will be a much different affair than it was to be, which is sad for him--and us! But he is a true public servant and is not about the pomp and circumstance, unlike his predecessor. I hope there is a fail-safe way to get him the protection he needs and deserves. Appalling is right, and tragic.

    "God and Country" is absolutely ridiculous to the point of being laughable. They are neither.

    Some very extended family (who I don't see or speak to anyway) are diehard republicans. They support him. I'm simply not associating with anyone who doesn't disavow him, period. I don't care who they are. Isn't it sad?

  14. Dee--Yes, sons are blood relatives, alive or no. ;-)

    I'm sorry your sister isn't as wonderful a person as you are.

  15. Well said, my friend, well said; January 20th can not come too soon...
    Praying for the safety of our next president and vice-president...
    I am loving this, somewhat, sunny day.
    Hoping you are enjoying it also...

    1. Denise--Thank you. I agree that we can't wait fast enough for January 20.

      I gloried in our little bit of sun! Who knows when we shall see it again? We waited more than a month to see it this time. It really lifted my sagging spirits.

      Take good care and stay safe.

  16. I have so many feelings about all of this, as do we all. Top for me is rage, followed closely by disgust, sadness, frustration, fear, anger, and at some level, relief that our system is strong and our Congress went back and did the job after all of this.

    My BFF has a friend who is a staffer in the Senate, not an elected official. These people have not gotten vaccinations, so are even more susceptible to superspreader events like this. There was a lot of damage, obviously, inside the buildings, which cannot yet be repaired in preparation for the inauguration because it is a crime scene.

    Honestly, I have decided that this is still 2020, and I’m going with the lunar colander this year. I’m not willing to write off 2021 this early as being as bad. And I’m hopeful that they WILL impeach this coming week, and that Biden and Harris will remain safe. I was always very worried about Obama’s safety from racist nut jobs.

    1. Julie--I'm with you. Impeach, remove, whatever and whenever. I do not want this monster to ever hold any office ever again, nor do I want him provided with benefits of any kind. He has to leave in as much ignominy as possible.

      The more I read, the more incredible and sinister the insurrection becomes. Bombs, weapons, human feces spread upon walls, guns, flex cuffs, a gallows--and all of it organized and funded well in advance by organizational arms of his campaign. And as you know, I don't get my information from social media outlets.

      I know there are hundreds of support staff who are collateral damage to scenarios that occur in and around Washington DC. There is a White House staff member who was in the hospital with COVID for three months, suffering terribly, who had to have two amputations, thanks to 45* and his superspreader mentality.

      I want so much for 2021 to be a salvation year. Let's get rid of 45* and start from there.

  17. It was horrific. I was astonished (and yet not) that those people got into the building with very little resistance. I've been deep into BLM and trying to work on my own unconscious biases and the first thing I thought was how different it would have been if those had been brown people rushing into the Capitol.

    We watched some of the speeches after congress reassembled to continue counting the electoral college votes - some of those folks brought me to tears (probably because I was already an emotional wreck).

    I'm deeply concerned about the next few weeks - and really thereafter. This genie is not going to go easily back into the bottle. I sure hope the inauguration is totally virtual & at an undisclosed location!

    1. Bug--I share your concerns. The laissez-faire attitude of some of the police showed me that there is a real problem with infiltration within security. Safety first and always must be the motto of this administration.

      Rick and I watched in real time almost all day and into the night as long as we could stay awake. It was stunning to see the complacency of some republicans still. Others, as you say, were eloquent in their commitment to serve and continue the business of the government in defiance of the mob.

      The double standard of both the reaction and the readiness in this insurrection is glaring and bleak. President Biden made strong mention of it in his speech. Things can only get better.

  18. Every single word you wrote is true my friend. I applaud you for writing, as of yet I can't seem to find the words. I think I will be like you and start my new year as Joe Biden gets inaugurated, it is a perfect way to start a new year. Thank you for your honesty.

    1. Meredith--I understand not being able to find the words. It's an overwhelming thing, and one with so many tentacles, so many offshoots and entanglements. It's something many have to sit with and then leave alone for their own sakes.

      We've been under such a lengthy strain with this madman. We know it won't begin to be a true New Year or New Dawn until he's away from governance. That's worth celebrating.

      My writing here is always real and authentic, as I know yours is at your space. You're welcome.

  19. All I will say is: The man is insane.

    1. Anni--And has been, yet so many will not see it or admit it.

  20. All of this. Every word. 100%

  21. I feel and share your outrage. I can only repeat with different words what you have written, so I won't try. I do wonder what more we will be subjected to experiencing? I, too, hope Jan. 20th proves to be a peaceful day.

    1. Joared--Good question. Never have less than two weeks gone by with more weight, import, or slowness. And rumours abound concerning resignation, impeachment, etc. Still the republicans refuse to remove him without obstruction, despite further shocking evidence of just how much in danger their own lives truly were. It's unbelievable.

  22. Had these been foreign born Terrorists the outrage would have been Bipartisan and National, every American would have been against what happened. I find it more than Interesting that because these are Home Grown Domestic Terrorists, the Rules are changed... most Arrested by the FBI have already posted Bail... BAIL... since when do Terrorists Rate being able to Bail out? Especially just in time for them to now to be a part of whatever Terror is being Planned during the Inauguration! There is Infiltration at very high levels everywhere and that should be as Alarming as what transpired... weeding out and actually dealing appropriately with the sympathizers and infiltrators is going to take a massive undertaking.

    1. Bohemian--Agree, agree, agree. Bail is the same, in my mind, as negotiating with terrorists. Since when does America do that?

  23. Well said. We cannot let those thugs go unpunished. That includes EVERYONE complicit in the attempted coup. It is important to make our voices heard. Keep up the good work.

    1. Diana--Hello, and welcome to the Dept.

      Thank you. I agree with you, of course. It's vital that the domestic terrorists who carried out the insurrection are arrested and charged with sedition and insurrection. And anyone who aided and abetted this murderous siege and coup attempt need to be charged and punished as well. This action was nothing less than an attack on our government and our country from within. It must never happen again, and we need to set an example now.

      Thanks for the encouragement. Hope to see you here again.

  24. What you say is, unfortunately, so true. I find it incredible that so many people in our country and Congress are willing to betray our constitution — the latter betraying their oath of office. Seems we are living in some strange world I never imagined the U.S. would inhabit.

    1. Joared--Your last sentence describes my feeling exactly over the last decade or so. Ever since that moron republican Joe Wilson called out, "You lie" during President Obama's speech on healthcare in 2009, it has become more and more ugly and uncivil. All he did was exemplify and bring republican character out from the darkness.


Oh, thank you for joining the fray!

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