Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Mourning In America

We have met the enemy, and they are Us.



  1. Yes they are. This is horrific!

    1. Meredith--I feel completely blindsided. What a terrible day and more to come.

  2. This man will never be my president. I am leaving this country just as soon as I can work out the details. I am sick to my stomach.

    1. Karen--I completely understand. But it is not a simple thing to do, I know. My best to you.

  3. Such a bitter pill to swallow. I think we have to stay, to fix this mess, but also thinking it might be wise to have an exit strategy in place.

    1.'m in shock, still. It is such a huge and frightening step backward for so many sectors of our society. Ignorance and intolerance are the true winners; what a horror.

  4. I am devastated. I feel far worse than I did after 9/11 because the terrorists (terror is exactly what I'm feeling) that made this happen are in our own country, with the worst monster soon to be at our country's helm.

    1. Shirley--Oh, I am too. The entire republican party is okay with this salacious, narcissistic game show host smearing the highest office in the country with his arrogant idiocy. They sacrificed us all to the lowest common denominators of society. I'm so disgusted and so, so sad.

  5. This is upsetting, on many levels, especially knowing that over half the people who I'll meet today in the Buckeye state will have voted for him. Not her.

    1. Ally Bean--Sigh. I know. This one is so personal. It feels like a massive Disrespect of All Women, not because a female candidate lost, but because the pig who won victimizes and objectifies women. And those who gave him their vote knew it and did not care.

  6. I have been literally ill today. I went to school and read a HuffPost article titled, "What do we tell the children?" because I had no words of my own. They saw and felt my grief and shock and we mourned together. I ended up going home early with a migraine I attribute to fear and grief and shock. I am so very worried about our future. This situation is way too similar to preHitler Germany.

    1. Rose--I keep asking myself what this is a victory for. The answer scares me. Anti-intellectualism, ignorance, violence, coarseness, disrespect, and intolerance. It's a victory for neanderthals. Period.

  7. May I suggest making contact with potentially threatened groups, Muslim, LGTB etc to let them know you support them and maybe even have meetings to get to know individuals and possibly form support groups. Several of our local churches have reached out to our Muslim neighbors, been invited to prayer service, eaten with them etc where I live.

    1. Sillyak--Of course you may.

  8. Weeping. And terrified of what lies ahead. I can offer no thoughts of consolation for now. Except for this. Which happened to me yesterday. And it the only tiny bright spot in what will go down in my Book of Memories as a day that will live in infamy.
    Yesterday, I worked 16 hours at a polling station as a bilingual election clerk. I spoke with many first-time latino voters throughout the very, very long day. Just as it was approaching closing time and the final voters were casting their ballots, I looked up and instantly recognized a familiar face: Mr. Vázquez.

    Mr. Vázquez is 81 years old. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen. I helped him a year ago when he came to vote for the first time. He didn't know he had to register; he thought just showing proof of his citizenship was enough. I helped him fill out his registration application and encouraged him to mail it as soon as possible. And said I hoped to see him back at the polls very soon as a bonafide registered voter. And here he was on election day. Instead of a faded shirt and straw hat, he showed up in what must have been his best jacket and neatly pressed shirt with a tie. His eyes were gleaming as he picked up his ballot to mark his choices with a sharpie pen. I showed him how to insert the completed ballot into the machine and he could not have looked more pleased with himself.

    "Espero que gane La Señora," ( = "I hope the lady wins"), he said. And then he asked me how he could send her a letter with a picture of his family and tell her that they *all* voted for her.

    That, of course, was before the election returns began pouring in.

    1. FE DE ERRATAS, Paragraph 1: "And it the only..." = "And it IS the only..." I know you graciously forgive the typos, but for those of us who are overly nerdy and a bit OCD, it is horrifying that there is no "edit" button available after posting to fix what we all thought we had proofread to the max, lol! Which is one reason I am eternally grateful for this option on FB. (And, yes, I know you detest FB and never use it. Just happened to be the only example I could give on another form of social media that I actually use.)

    2. Ortizzle--Oh, what a lovely and poignant story. I so very much hope he sends that photo.

      Like the Vazquez Family, the whole Dept. (and St. Patsy and others) voted for The Lady. But Ohio has, as I mentioned before, turned into TX, Jr. I cannot account for PA, only to say that my family there also voted for Hillary.

      Thank you for helping Spanish-speaking voters at the polls.

      And as far as your typo, I read your comment twice before I even saw it. My speed fills in the blanks.

  9. Such a sad conversation yesterday (him in NYC, me in England) with my wonderful, kind, loving, hardworking, big-hearted 19-yo son, who is gay, and who texted me this sentence that still makes me cry and wonder how we ever got to this point: "I'm scared, Mom."
    I still can't even talk about it. Maybe in a few weeks.

    1. MsCaroline--I'm sorry. I understand in a very small way. I had errands yesterday, but I found I couldn't go out. I just couldn't. Today, I have to, but it's almost as if I don't know People anymore. XO

  10. I can't accept this. Maybe it won't do anything, but I signed this petition.

    Maybe something will happen with the Electoral College. I absolutely cannot accept this...

    1. Lisa--I'm happy to provide the link here .

      It's nice to see you again. I hope things are going well for you up there in Massachusetts, the Seat Of American Rebellion!

  11. Nance...I waited two days before commenting, and there still are no words.....

  12. Well, I hope the geniuses who elected the GOP are not on Medicare because that SOB Paul Ryan announced today that he wants to change Medicare to a voucher system...I have been paying into SS since I was 13 years old and now,75 years later, he wants to take that benefit away from me and your Mom and millions of others...

    1. Nancy--I'm sure they are all fine with it. It will make their America great again. Lots of their "entitlements" are on the chopping block, but they asked for it. Remember their candidate's theme song: "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

  13. Only seven days ago I was filled with hope. Now I have been devastated for six days. And as DJT makes his appointments it gets worse and worse. The wildfires all around us have made our air as toxic as our newly elected President. (At least it gives us reason to breathe heavy and have watery eyes.) And within the same week of losing the election we lost Leonard Cohen and Gwen Ifill. As if 2016 hasn't already kicked us hard enough...

    1. NCmountainwoman--I share your feelings, as you know.

      Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend who is largely a republican, but usually an issues voter. She started talking about the election, which I dreaded. She said, "I didn't vote for either candidate. I just didn't vote for President. I am so horrified that he won. I cannot believe it. It's a disaster", etc. I was astounded. She honestly did not see her NonVote as Part Of The Problem. After that, I had a hard time following any of the conversation and sought any avenue to transition out of the subject and onto something else. Finally, she saw that I was struggling and apologized for bringing up the subject in the first place. But she really did not see her failure to vote against him as a de facto vote for him, at least in principle, as a silent tolerance of his policies and behaviours.

      I'm hoping for the wildfires in your beautiful state to be contained and extinguished. I have a fond history with the movie The Last of the Mohicans, and to see that some of its locations are in harm's way is poignant for me.

      My aunt in Gettysburg lives in a gated community which allows no campaign signs. How I wish it were true here! I cannot even take a walk without feeling the assault of coarseness and neo-neanderthalism represented by this election. The signs are everywhere still.

      No escape.

    2. I am more angry about the people who chose not to vote than those who voted for DJT however flawed their reasoning might have been. I think it was Lincoln who said something to the effect that everyone must participate in elections; that elections belong to everyone. And if you decide to turn your back on the fire and burn your behind, then you will just have to sit on your blisters.

  14. Over a week later, and I'm still in shock. My stomach is in knots (that's where I house my stress). Doesn't help that our priest is retiring and I am the top lay person in my church & will have to oversee the transition. 2016 has just been the suckiest of all sucky years. (I know, those aren't really words.) Sigh.

    1. The Bug--I think those words pretty much sum it up.

  15. Well at least I've stopped thinking it can't get any worse!


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