It's time, then, for a little End Of Summer Housekeeping here at the Dept. Just a few little Natters and Nits to sweep out; a bit of Polishing Up to do to get ready for Fall.
1. The Island Of Misfit Stuff. Last weekend was the Big Garage Sale at my brother's lakehouse in Amish country. Sadly, it was not an extravaganza. This was due mostly to the unrelenting rain of Day One. It not only ruined sales, it ruined my cute navy Marc Jacobs flats. I did sell our canoe, however, so that was good. St. Patsy had her very own table of goods, and sales were brisk, especially for the "handmade" dreamcatchers sent to her by her adopted Indian kids from the reservation. Still unsold are my black lace negligee, my Where's Waldo kids' sleeping bag, and my various framed art prints. All of those have been in multiple sales now, with the sleeping bag leading the league with six. That's okay, considering my brother has a Joe Namath suit in there that has seen ten sales. Both items are priced at four bucks. Bets on which goes first.
2. Is It Just Me? You know, I carried eight, eight-foot tables laden with merchandise (assisted by my brother) in and out of that garage numerous times. We carried a seventeen-foot aluminum canoe several times in rain- and dew-soaked grass (once down a hill), and lifted and carried the boxes repacked with the unsold merchandise, and I was fine. Was I sore? Oh, hell. But a few days later, as I was in my chair, taking care of emails, my foot apparently fell asleep, and I didn't realize it. When I stood up, it buckled and I rolled my ankle. It's all swelled up and hurts like hell. Did I cry like a big baby? Oh, you know that I did. I felt--and feel--like a huge idiot. Can you imagine? "What happened to your ankle, Nance?" Um, I stood up.
3. Hey, Look Me Over! Probably you've noticed a different look here at the Dept. of Nance. Blogger very unceremoniously nudged me to update my blog to one of their new layouts. I'm still tweaking it here and there (thanks again, Ortizzle!) to refine its look. Please email me or leave a comment here if there is something you notice that's awry, or something you particularly like or dislike. It will help in future iterations or over at The Tie Report, which is next on my To Do List. As always, I appreciate your comments, feedback, and criticism. For right now, I am simply echoing the little favicon--that martini that shows up in your browser tab next to the name of my blog--for my design. I am not a big fan of blue or green, but it was a quick design motif I could grab.
4. One Of Our Own. I'm sure that many of you have wondered where Nancy, our jolliest of commenters, has been. We haven't heard much from her as of late, and she has been missed, I know. She will be telling the story of her absence at her own Elderblog site on Friday, 20 September. If you haven't ever been there, please plan on spending some time in her archives. Her stories are short and very like O.Henry's--they often have a twist of the unexpected. The best part is, all of them are true stories from her own life, which has been one of varied experience and much history. Here is the link; go and read some Nancy!
Sigh. Despite its balkiness, I'm a bit sad to see Summer take its leave. "The cukes are almost done!" warns my friend at the farm stand. "So are the tomatoes. Eggplant's coming in hard right now. But the beans...," she frowns a little and shakes her head. I already know. My basil is almost over, and so are my chives. Already there are hard squashes like acorns, delicata, and my favourite, butternut, at the stands. Mums are there, too, like grandmotherly cushions of colour. Chubby cabbages nudge onions. Knobby potatoes settle in.
Autumn begins a sort of settling overall. There is a pervading restfulness that quells the riot of Summer. It's quieter, more reflective. Are you still in Summer Mode? Have any Natters or Nits to unload and spiff up your headspace? Sweep them out in Comments.
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