There's certainly plenty of both in the Dept. Cellar, thanks to our Friends In Canada, so I'm sure to be well fortified for the Holidays.
It is with deep gratitude to my Dear Readers that I greet you this Christmas. Thank you for your faithful and kind attention. To my Faithful Commenters, you hold an ever-glowing warm place in my heart. You are the ones who let me know that I am not simply strutting and fretting full of sound and fury but signifying nothing (to loosely paraphrase W Shakespeare). You're like a Secret Society with elbow-jabbing in-jokes, knowing nods, and sighing commiserations. I always write for me first, but I always think of you.
May this holiday--Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, or anything you celebrate--find you all with something that makes you happy. Even for a moment.
And above all, may you find Hope.
Or, may Hope find you.
Dear, dear Nance,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your blog. You ALWAYS make my day when you write. Merry Holidays to you and yours. Snuggle into your beddy-bye tonight knowing that you are loved and appreciated more than you can imagine!
I hope when the whole darn famdamily gathers at the Dept. of Nance tonight, there is much merry making, minimal grinching, and a eleventy million reasons to smile.
ReplyDeleteMay your martinis be dirty, your sheets clean, and your shoes always fabulous.
May the best and brightest of the holiday season be yours!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your blog, and it makes me feel good knowing there are other people out there with a working brain and the ability to say what they think with humor and panache. I hope Santa brings you mountains of fabulous stuff.
Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas from all four of us Nance!
ReplyDeleteMay your day be merry and bright! Thanks for the inspiration and the gift of your delightful humor.
ReplyDeleteWe were planning to have a white Christmas, but now the snow is mostly grey. Gonna have to drink the red to make the snow all purty again! Hope You & Yours have the Merriest of Christmases!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, and happy St. Stephen's day today! (I'm learning all kinds of interesting feasts and so on today...bear with me...)
ReplyDeleteJ@jj--I always liked the sound of St. Swithin's. Let me know when you find out what that one is.
ReplyDeleteMelissa B.--We had a rainy Christmas, but I much prefer that to snow. What is it with all these Perky Anchorpersons who act like we all want snow on Christmas? Nothing but an inconvenience as far as I am concerned.
The Other Nance--Oh, how kind of you! I'm so happy to welcome another Nance as well as a new Commenter to the Dept.
J.--Back at you all! Have a restful break.
Life at the Funny Farm--Thank you very much, Miss. You should continue updating your site as well. I miss it.
V--LOL. Great! I really chuckled at your thoughtful, Nanceful comment. Too perfect.
Karen--Thank you. My thoughts are with you more than you know. Keep me posted, and I will send waves and waves of hopefulness to you and your husband.
I love the cartoon. And the sentiment is reciprocated. (How about that - and with wine beside the keyboard, too!)
ReplyDeleteSee you next year.
The word verification has come up 'hympho' - I can think of lots of definitions for that one.
Hope your Christmas was wonderful, too! I'm still sleepy from the celebrating.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! Sorry I didn't make it over, but things are always crazy when I come to visit ;-)
ReplyDeleteMikey--Oh, no problem! I know how crazy it gets when you are only home for a little while and everyone wants a block of time. Maybe next trip!
ReplyDeleteapathy lounge--enjoy not being on a bell schedule! nap away.
mary g--we had lots of Ontario wine (the only wines we drink!) over the holiday. "hympho"--is it church song related??? LOL.
Merry Christmas, a few days late! Hope you're enjoying your break!
ReplyDeleteNina--And Happy New Year! It's just nice to be home with nothing much to do!
ReplyDeleteOh I like that last line Nance. Yes, may Hope find all of us! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here's to 2010! ; )
ReplyDeleteOh, I love this card, Nance! It reminds me of some cocktail napkins I once had ... something like, I like two kinds of wine--red and white. ;-) I hope (such a good word and lovely sentiment) you did have lovely holidays!
Shirley--You know, I scarcely remember The Holidays now. There was so much stress in preparing and shopping and all of that, that now it's all a blur. Next year will be DIFFERENT.