Here's a little of the Flotsam and Jetsam from the past couple weeks. (Has it been a couple weeks since the last post? No idea.)
Ice Cream And Pizza Follow-Up: In a purely selfless gesture in the interest of You, My Dearest Readers, Rick suggested we stop at the ice cream stand on our way home from the lakehouse the other day. He got a vanilla cone and spoke to the proprietor and one of the senior staff. The owner said that there is not much call for ice cream during the winter, and even less for chocolate ice cream in particular. The employee there said that she is the originator of most of the pizza flavours, and that the pickle bacon was adapted from a cookbook she received. They both said it was hugely popular and may be on their standard menu.
I Am A Grownup: For the first time in probably a decade or more, I stayed awake until midnight on New Year's Eve. Usually, Rick and I go to bed at about ten and are awakened by text messages or phone calls from Jared and Sam and my mother, all of whom have no problem at all being awake and celebratory for the holiday. In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you that I was awake purely by accident; we were binge-watching a show on Netflix.
My House Has Turned Against Me: Since he is home, Rick is now puttering around and fixing a bunch of things that have been languishing on his To Do list for a long time. One of them was to fix the shower head and the bathtub faucet. The shower head went swimmingly, but the tub faucet required a part that was on a lifetime warranty, shipped from the manufacturer. Which takes 7-10 days. And renders my shower unusable. So, okay; bath it is. I drew a hot bath, added a few bubbles, and went to get in. Except the water was distinctly brownish. Add "new hot water heater" to the list of things to do. So far, since Rick has been unable to work, we have had to get a new battery for my car, a new printer, furnace repair, and a new hot water heater. And I have been nothing but nice to this place for 34 years!
This year again I have not made any resolutions. As I always say, I am on a continuous path of self-improvement. I honestly do strive each day to do better than the day before.
I do like the idea of a Good Things Jar that I read on Jean's blog. I'm going to do it informally, though: each time a Good Thing happens, I'll write it down and put it in the Jar rather than do it arbitrarily each day or each week. I like that.
I also like having a Word. But rather than have one Word for the year, I'm going to use a Word for a blogpost each week or so. The word will be something I want to think about, improve, do, or change. I've been a sort of vagrant and uninspired blogger, and I don't like that. I like writing here, but sometimes I just can't get motivated to do it. I want to change that, and I think the Words will help me to do that.
Let's see how it all works out. Here's to a fulfilling 2020; may we all smile more each day of it.