Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Bunch Of Stuff Off The Top Of My Head

Obviously, I'm in a Writing Slough Of Sloth. If I wait until I have Something Valuable To Say, this spot will collect cyber-cobwebs and digital dustbunnies. So! I'm going to just reach into my head, grab whatever I find, and see what we think.

Here we go.

Wake Me Up When: 1. Winter is really over. 2. republicans knock it the hell off/are extinct. 3. He's arrested and frog-marched out of the White House with his staff. 4. Wine is the cure for migraine. 5. Joe Biden is President*.
*Since we can't have Hillary, because Woman. (And actual Fake News. Thanks, Facebook.)

Either No One Ever Told Me Or I Was Young And Therefore Stupid: Holy Crap, what is the deal with suddenly becoming as dry as those bleached bones in the desert? I used to have oily skin, oily hair, plenty of spit, and the ability to wear contacts and grow my nails long, longer, longest. I had to wash my hair every day--hell, when I was a teenager, I would sometimes use dishwashing liquid! Now that I am technically Too Old to be termed even Of A Certain Age, I can go two or three days before my hair becomes oily or flat. My contacts are a misery; my skin is taut and painful this winter. My hands are strangers to me, with their ragged cuticles and peely nails kept short by necessity. Did anyone ever foretell this Sadness? Probably I laughed merrily, tossed my brilliant locks, and waved them off with my long-nailed hand. What a heartless bitch I was, surely.

When Your Husband Is A Carpenter And You Are A Knitter: As you, Dear Readers, well know, I accompany Rick on many of his Outings to stores For Him, such as Home Depot and Harbor Freight and the like. It's not always All Bad, as there are more than a few things there which are Multipurpose and Handy for other things, and some of the stores, like Rural King, even have baby ducks, which are the most charming animals in the world (possibly). After seeing me linger over one Handy Item, my husband bought me one as a gift, so it could become my Knitting Caddy. Here it is, and I love it:

It has a place for everything! Eight side pockets hold my stitch markers, spare glasses, lotion, stitch counter, tapestry needles, scissors, you name it. Deep end pockets hold a small tablet and pen, pattern, and circ needle packet. A loop on the end even holds a large safety pin, used to hold stitches when I make my charity bears. And, as a bonus, when I hold it on my lap and prop my elbows on it, it keeps my knitting at eye level and my shoulders squared, just what the physical therapist ordered to combat my cervical myofasciitis. (Bonus: it is, apparently, an Excellent Cat-Chin-Scratching-Edifice.)

Everyone Stop:  1. Quoting Twitter as a News Source. 2. Overusing the word amazing (still!). 3. Telling me that Spring Officially Starts Next Week. 4. Saying Daylight SavingS Time (THERE IS NO 'S').  5. Putting up holiday decorations if you cannot take them down in a timely manner.

Okay.  Your turn.  I can't wait for you to peel off a little brain banana or two in Comments or chat about mine.

bananahead image


  1. The knitting caddy is smart. I bet that you'll be barely able to keep away from it, choosing to make many a bear. The dry skin development is news to me too. Not on FB so I don't know what passes for "news" over there. I like Twitter, but have yet to quote it as a news source. I do follow some reporters who I'd consider to be reliable, so I suppose I might quote them [somehow] because of what they said on Twitter. It's a brave new world of information sourcing and footnoting, isn't it?

    1. Ally Bean--I'm not on FB either; never have been. But the research out there is impressive to show that it became a wildfire for spreading ridiculous fake news, like the one about Comet Ping Pong pizza and others. I know personally one FB'er who said she simply didn't vote for president because she did not like him and could not, in good conscience, vote for Hillary because "where there's smoke, there's fire", based upon what she read on FB.

      With regard to Twitter, I'm referring to how the news constantly quotes this administration's barrage of idiotic missives via that medium rather than wait for him to actually speak out loud in a real-life press conference or appearance. It's juvenile, ill-befitting the Office, and pathetic.

      You bring up an interesting point re: footnoting! I'm awfully glad I no longer teach formal research. I can just imagine the number of students trying to use Twitter as a source in a research paper/project. Sigh.

  2. I had A Weirdness on Friday, and I'm not going to get into it except to say that, among other reasons, I knew things were going to end poorly because this individual kept saying, "mine as well" instead of "might as well". How does this even happen? How do you NOT know this? Where are your parents? I have a ton of questions, and zero desire to obtain any answers. Mine as well move on.

    Twitter is not, and shouldn't be, a news source. At least not most of the time. Unless, of course, I'm tweeting links to my basketball words. #ShamelessPlug

    Cox Cable sucks and keeps sending me postcards about how they can provide me security, landline, cable, and internet service for less than half of what I'm paying for just internet and cable. Idiots, Cox. I now know you can provide double the services I have for half of the price I pay. Why is this just...fine? Cable companies thrive on the simple (and true!) idea that most people are too stupid or lazy to switch service providers for a menagerie of different services. I'm certainly one of those two, I know not which, and please, Ma, don't feel the need to guide me to that decision.

    That'll do.


    1. Jared--Ugh. As in "I mine as well order a drink?" How did you not burst into tears? Or flames, even? Again I ask, From where did this young woman hail?

      All cable providers are heartless and evil profiteers. We get these missives with alarming regularity from TWC/Now Spectrum. At least you have a choice of providers. In our town, we Do Not. We are doomed to bow down to One. At least we only have the Interwebs. Why does anyone have a landline? Mystery.

    2. For YEARS I tried to talk Mike into ditching our landline, and then I started working from home. Tried to use a microphone & headset with my computer - weird echo when I called my boss. Tried to use my cell phone - I couldn't understand a word she said. So now I use a landline. I'm pretty annoyed about it, actually.

    3. We JUST cancelled our landline after having that number for about 16 years.

      ATT&T was charging us a fortune for the damn thing, and no one calls us on it but telemarketers, so we said screw it.

      We are fairly Old, but not too old, and I still feel kind of weird about it.

    4. Had to keep a landline when my husband living with Pacemaker as he had to connect to local hospital regularly with equipment requiring landline. I keep landline because if ever have to call emergency 911 the call goes directly to local police and reveals automatically my location if I can't talk. If I call 911 on cell phone (cause I did once) the call goes to nearby city -- does NOT reveal my location, they have to ask where I'm calling from -- too bad if I can't talk at all or speak clearly as can occur with stroke -- if I've told them where I am, they then connect me to that number where my call would have gone directly with a landline. Cell 911 calls in many places across the country are like that. Everyone should check where they live.

    5. I don't think we will ever get rid of our landline, though there are times when I would like to (most of the calls are junk, though family still uses it to call us). I have this idea that if our power were out, say after an earthquake or something, our cable would be out and thus our cable phones. I don't know whether the computer phones go through the actual cables, or if they're wi-fi, but our wi-fi drops a lot, so I don't want to risk that with the phone. I know there are batteries and back up systems for the phones if the power is out. I am simply NOT convinced that the quality will be the same or that it will work if I need it to in an emergency.

  3. Ah yes, the dryness - I hear you, the same is true for me.

    I wish all people on and involved with any of the "Bachelor" shows would die. I don't watch, and I really don't want to hear about it, yet ...

    1. Bridget--This dearth of youthful dew is killing me. I mean it. Add to it the fact that my migraine meds have dryness as a side effect (oh, and a faulty furnace humidifier), and I feel like parchment.

      But in the summertime, I bitch about the humidity. WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?

      I'm with you on this Bachelor Bullshit. Those shows are so offensive to women (hey, and MEN), yet it seems as if everyone watches them, talks about them, writes about them (except you and me). While I think the Death Penalty may be a bit harsh for the shows' devotees/participants, I would be supportive of shipping them all off to their own state (I vote for Idaho or Arkansas) or at least giving them their own channel.

  4. Stupid me, my mother has had dry skin her whole life (the kind where she has to use prescription shampoos and lotions and only wash her hair weekly per doctor's recommendation and her heels crack in 4 places every winter) and it STILL never occurred to me when I got to a Certain Age (in my case only 52, which seems kind of young for some of this stuff) that I would start having the same problems. I've had issues with dry eyes for YEARS (should have realised it was a harbinger of Things To Come) and can't stand wearing my glasses, so have invested a lot of effort in figuring out how to keep wearing contacts: I use a prescription eyedrop for dry eye syndrome (Restasis, if you're interested) which has helped,and also Fish Oil (I always swore I would never sit around and discuss dietary supplements when I Got Old, but here we are.) I am 100% on board with loathing people who use 'amazing' as their sole adjective, although if I think hard about it, I could come up with a number of linguistic trends that irritate me just as much, like the use of 'that being said' as well as the trend for interviewees to begin all of their responses with, "So." http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/linguafranca/2011/12/02/so-it-turns-out-that-everyones-starting-sentences-with-so/

    1. MsCaroline--I'm only (wait--ONLY) 57. No history of Withery Crackery Dryness. And yes, I am on the Restasis (AKA Devil Drops Of Burning Hell). Tried fish oil to no success--and yes, now we are discussing Old People Stuff and there goes any cadre of Under Fifty Readership I Ever Had.

      Let's talk about Language for a moment.

      Thank you for that article, one of a few I've read about the linguistic quirk of "So", a variation of which I actually used in this post. (Sorry.)

      I do like the standalone transition "So" as it has developed in the past ten years, give or take a few, but not to the extreme, as the example given in the article. That, however, was largely discussing Spoken Language.

      Spoken Language has deteriorated horribly in so many ways (not to the exclusion of Written Language, certainly), that I almost cannot stand to listen to anyone under the age of 50 speak at any length about anything. First, we had Vocal Fry. Then came the ubiquitous "Like." Then, the annoying propensity of turning all initial STR- sounded words into, instead, SHTR- sounds, such as saying SHTRaight instead of STRaight; SHTRict instead of STRict. And just when I thought we got rid of Awesome, it was replaced by the even more annoying Amazing.

      Finally, cracked heels. There is a commercial on television sometimes which actually shows real cracked heels UP CLOSE. Often during the dinner hours. It never, ever fails to nauseate me. I cannot imagine having this condition; however, I wish the originators of this commercial would have let me try.

  5. NOTE TO EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS: Feedburner is broken. Again. I have no idea why, nor do I know when--if at all--it will be back up and running. I'm sorry. I am looking for a solution, if one exists.

  6. Ah yes, dryness reigns these days. Hands are sore, and hair is brittle (says the one who used to wash her hair occasionally twice a day!!).

    Agreeing with you and Bridget on the Bachelor shows. Yuck. And, any "reality" show (which aren't really reality anyway, but that's another story). I'd like to see an end to people writing/saying "True Story" or True Dat" ENOUGH, please. Finally, hate getting e-mails from my boss peppered with: "U R....." of Thx for thanks. I don't think his life is that busy that he cannot spell out words. But, it could be that he has forgotten how....

    1. Vera--Oh, I remember the Two-A-Days, back in the day! Especially if it was Date Night.

      I had no idea that anyone still said "True dat." That slang disappeared around here among the urban youth ages ago. Back in my day it was "No lie!"

      Oh, gosh, any of the Old Timey Text Shorthand is just terrible! I completely agree with you. If we were still typing on the old flippy phones and using the alphanumeric keyboard, then okay. But honestly, is anyone still doing that?

      Maybe your boss should stop answering emails on the fly from his phone or in such a hurry if he can't take the time to SPELL OUT A THREE-LETTER WORD. Sigh.

      My sympathies.

  7. While there is much to say, I need to address the dry issue first...UGH, I profusely slather my wet body with baby oil, before I dry off. That is - after I have used the gentlest of soaps to wash away the layer of skin cells that continuously plague this old woman body of mine...With a towel, I pat dry the water that has beaded up all over my skin, and follow that up with a 'whole body dip in Aveeno'...As for my hair, water has somehow found the ability to dry out my hair all by itself, don't even need to add shampoo.
    Now, Facebook and Twitter - I have accounts on both...My children, grand-children, and great grandchildren, all live in another state...Since, they are part of the 'I can't live without technology generation' I use social media as a tool to stay up on what's going on in their lives...More so the grands and the great-grands; my children know how to use a phone to talk to there Moma, lol...Twitter, I monitor, but never post to, and would never consider anything on a Twitter site as a news source - interesting - maybe, information source - never...
    President Trump - waiting for his impeachment...His other jobs may have let him do what he wanted, when he wanted - this job will not...This is probably wishful thinking on my part, since I'm still waiting on Kelly Conway to have some consequences for her actions, behavior, and comments - these last 50+ days...

    1. Denise Fortney--I highly recommend any gentle body wash with shea. I am currently using Olay Ultra Moisture with Shea Butter, and it is wonderful. And I also love Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion, which has the added benefit of making me smell like a Hershey Bar. But you sound like you have a routine down pat, and if it's working for you, by all means, don't mess with Success.

      I only have children and a non-Internet granddog, so telephone and text-messaging is our beat. But I know that what you say is true, based upon what others have told me.

      You bring up another interesting point about the current administration when you say that this job will not let him do what he wants. Unfortunately, thus far, it has; his party--since it is in the majority, has sadly let him do whatever the hell he wants. And he has played so fast and loose with precedent, ethics, and the Office, that it is alarming and disgusting. His base (and boy, do I mean that word in its entirety, both noun and adjective forms) is so ignorant and pathetic that they are oblivious to the fact that he is installing in his government (THEIR government!) the very people he told them he was going to fight against. And his voters are the type of individuals that will never admit that they were wrong by supporting him. They are stubbornly and forever ignorant and plain stupid. And the republicans are soulless now that they have another shill in the Big Chair to play their game.

    2. I agree with everything you've said, in regards to our - not-so-illustrious - leader...Also adding, I've noticed that he has two types of supporters - 1. those who voted for him because they didn't trust Hillary; and 2.those who voted for him because they view him as their savior and messiah...The later are the ones who are under-educated and are of a dangerous nature.

  8. Hubby Interruptus, hence the continuation in comments...Kudos on the knit caddy idea - anyone can multitask, it takes a very clever girl to figure out how to multi-source an item...Over the years, Home Improvement/DIY stores have provided me with a cheap alternative in crafting tools...During the quilting years of my life, I needed a tool to square up my quilt pieces before I put them together...I borrowed my hubby's dry wall T, it worked perfectly...A few days later, I was at a local craft store and priced a tool used for squaring up material/quilt pieces; $15.00...I turned to my hubby and asked him how much he paid for the drywall T; $5 and some change...From then on, anytime I needed a crafting tool, I went to the home improvement/DIY store first...

    1. Denise Fortney--It's so true! There are a ton of tools and doodads that, once you put them in a craft store or yarn shop or make them in pink or some lady-friendly pattern, the price triples. I'd rather spend my cash on wine. Or travelling. Or boots.

      I have a friend who is Deep Into Quilting, which means she is surrounded by sewing machines (4 right now, I think), towers of fabric, and eleventy thousand plastic template thingies. And cutters and dies and all sorts of stuff that makes me gasp with a sound like a cash register. I feel Positively Frugal next to her.

  9. I love the knitting caddy! And although I have a zillion bags & baskets (only slightly exaggerating) I might have to check out what the Ace Hardware has to offer for the crochet enthusiast. We're a bit sad to have moved away from Rural King land... Especially since it was 21 degrees here this morning. WHAT THE HECK OHIO - QUIT FOLLOWING ME AROUND!

    In the winter I use the Olay In-Shower Body Lotion - LOVE that stuff! However, it does make the tub grimy more quickly. We had such hard water in Xenia that I had to always use lotion & hair conditioner. I'm hoping that being in a more temperate climate with softer water will keep me from having to do that as much. We shall see. My mom had the cracked heel issue, but so far I've avoided that (I put lotion on my feet after every shower & right before bed).

    1. Bug--I had lots of little oilcloth-type bags, just big enough for the current WIP. I loved them (they were cute and happy prints), but they were hell when it came to me rooting around for my scissors or lotion or anything. The only drawback is that the caddy is a teensy bit hefty, but it sits nice and level, and the end pockets hold my iPad perfectly.

      Sorry about Ohio following you to NC. If only it truly were, and STOPPED BEING HERE. Snow on the ground, ice in my driveway, and bitter cold, gusty northerly winds. Please, when you are full up on NC warmth, scoot some up here.

  10. I would love to wake up from this political nightmare that is for sure. As for my skin, even in hot and humid Florida it dries out. I use a lot of oil on it. My latest find is Miracell https://www.amazon.com/Miracell-MiraCell-Skin-Relief-Support/dp/B001VNP1CC, I add it to my lotion and it helps. As for the hair, can't help there mine is pathetic. I actually use amazing too much. Sigh.

    1. Mereknits--If you use Amazing when you are truly Amazed, then by all means, speak your truth, as they say. I know from reading you that you have lots of wonderful things in your life that can take your breath away at times. If you need a few other terms, then here you go :-)

      Thanks for the product recommendation. As long as it doesn't have aloe in it (I'm allergic), I'll take a look.

  11. I am sitting here refusing to turn the air conditioning on in MARCH. It's the principle of the thing. However, we sat through a 94 degree day here yesterday and thank goodness we are headed back down to seasonal temperatures in the next day or so.

    My daughter continues to give me more gray hairs than I ever imagined I could have at 46. My husband wants us to try and put her back on medication, but the side effects were just so bad that none of us could bear it. Maybe we can get to summer and try again then.

    My son had an interview with one of the top high schools in the state (and country, I think) and the Director of the department said his portfolio of computer generated images was "amazing" and that "no one had ever turned in a portfolio like his" but my son is a pessimistic 80 year old man in a 14 year old's body, and is convinced he will not be accepted. There are only 20 people admitted into that particular program, but he is hugely talented, has straight A's, is in the honors program and a GATE student. I think he has a good chance. However, we are on pins and needles until the first week of April. His interview was back in February. Cross your fingers for us!

    1. Oh ack, Oxford comma needed after program!

    2. Gina--Fingers crossed and crossed again! What a terrific opportunity for your son. I know you and your family have worked together to give him a great foundation.

      California has been topsy-turvy this winter along with much of the country. The benefit has been the resurgence of lakes and rivers, huge fields of flowers, and the regeneration of so much life that had been dormant from years of drought. I've been watching/reading with interest. In NEO, we're used to such mercurial weather, although having 60s and 70s throughout February was definitely odd.

      I know your daughter continues to be of the utmost concern to you. And I know it is impossible to think about, but please know that, even upon shortest of notice ("I'm at the airport!"), you have a place to stay in Ohio. Even solo, at the lakehouse. Let me know.

  12. More stuff....
    Seems to be a lot of dryness concern -- hair, skin, etc. -- mine didn't occur until 1) after I left Ohio, 2) I had children, 3) I lived in a humidity-deprived southwestern state with little rain, 4) was getting older, 5) continued in western Pacific Coast state, 6) kept getting older -- nuthin' helps -- just lots of lotion -- amazing, isn't it?

    1. joared--Oh, it IS amazing. LOL. And by that I mean fascinating, incredible, stunning, and shocking. Truly, nothing helps. NOTHING. Lotion applied at night is gone by morning. Water consumed all day is inconsequential. The whole-house humidifier's help is negligible.

      I wish it meant that I need to eat More Butter.

  13. Dearest Nance:

    “Tardy to the Pardy” I am afraid. (Not to be confused with “Tarty to the Party,” something which I can no longer count on. But more of that below.) And I actually did get notification of your post in my email 2 days ago. It’s just been... busy.

    RE: NO ONE EVER TOLD ME... Been there. Still there. Eventually, this happens: http://tinyurl.com/ldvlwts
    I am serious, too. You don't stop looking at yourself in the mirror; you just don't see what's there. I have perfected the art of creating my own “alternative reality” when I look into the mirror. Until somebody videos me on their phone with a group of people at lunch or dinner, and I watch it and think "Is that seriously what I look like now? I am *not* that fat! I looked so slim in the mirror when I left the house. Where did all those extra neck wrinkles come from?" And so on.

    CERVICAL MYOFASCIITIS: I had to look that up. It sounds very painful. I have had lower back pain for the last couple of weeks, and some shooting pains that strike rather randomly. Considering the origin of the shooting pain, I think it might be sciatica. Must make an appointment with my doc. I literally froze in place the other day after bending down to pick up a pen. My students gave me sympathetic looks and I felt, suddenly, like their grandmother. Which I am old enough to be, of course.

    I LOVE YOUR KNITTING CADDY! (I just love all-purpose, handy stuff.) Also, the charity bears! Reminds me of a very dear friend of mine who has been a children’s book illustrator for years, and recently started knitting.... figures of people and their dogs. Mind-blowing how she transfers her ability to draw into these knitted figures. ( http://cicreart.com/exposicion/ )
    I need a creative hobby for whenever I get to retire. I still need another 2 years to get *paid retirement medical insurance* (due to the 10-year minimum as a state employee). And then there is... the fact that from 67-70, social security retirement pay increases 8% for each year after that up to 70, when it maxes out. All of this presupposes that The Ryanator will not have his wicked way and raise the minimum age for social security to 70— or completely abolish it just before I retire.

    EVERYONE STOP: Agreed on all points.


    (1) Somebody, anybody, starts prosecuting Drumpf for at least *some* of his evil, illegal deeds. There are hundreds to choose from. (Basically re-phrasing one of your wishes.)

    (2) Climate change deniers admit that it is NOT normal to have a skimpy winter during winter months, a ridiculously early spring, a monstrous snowstorm in the north in March when the cherry blossoms have decided it might be spring, or the fact that ICE IS MELTING AT THE POLES AT AN ALARMING RATE.

    (3) Somebody wipes out Kim Jong-un. The combination of Drumpf’s stupid, scary tweets + Rex Tillerson at the tiller + all the ballistic missiles sent to the Sea of Japan recently + KJU’s recent threat to carry out a ‘merciless attack’ on the U.S. just because they are performing standard military exercises in South Korea, which they have been doing forever... is making me feel more than a little uncomfortable.

    Enjoyed “Clink the glass.” As for “bunnies”... I am feeling exactly like Doreen. (Your bunny names are so spot on.)

    1. Ortizzle--I am subscribed via email to my own blog. Never got it. Still waiting. Feedburner is now owned by Google, who basically does not support it in any way. I am dreading trying to find a similar free distributor that is just as easy. Blech. Techy stuff.

      Love that graphic of looking in the mirror. I have the same condition, but it's real. I never recognize myself--ever--in photos or in a mirror. I never look like what I think I look like. I have The Olde Nance from about 80 pounds/20 years ago stuck in my head, and I have this sort of cognitive dissonance going on. I once walked past someone at the mall, thought, "Hey, she is wearing the same jacket as I am!", and then realized that IT WAS ME, REFLECTED IN THE WINDOW OF A STORE. Sigh. Maybe you are just the same, but being much too harsh on yourself. You look about 35 in your avatar pic. And adorable.

      Oh, the dreaded sciatica! Do not feel elderly about it. My son Sam, age 28, has it! When it flares up, he actually walks crookedly. Like his whole body is S-shaped. I hope you get some relief.

      Your friend's work is incredible! I'm a slow, simple knitter, but she is dynamite. What a talent. I originally started to work out the arthritis in my hands, but now it aggravates my neck. Like everything. So frustrating.

      As a teacher in Ohio, we are not part of Social Security. We have a separate retirement. So do state employees. We've been able to fend off any incursions from them thus far. But, the dream of serving 30 years and retiring at 52 or so pretty much ended the year I left. I got out just in the nick of time.

      Like you, I am truly concerned about the volatile cocktail that is North Korea's idiot + our idiot. They are mirror images of each other: self-aggrandizing, ignorant, immature, surrounded by weakness and stupidity.

      I'm always so glad to see you join us in Comments; it means you have some You Time or that you made some. XO

  14. Re: retirement... I need to see HR about what to do because I am coming up to the magic age of 65. I get at least half a dozen phone calls daily (on my CELL phone!) about signing up for extra coverage for medicare. But apparently, it is different if one is still gainfully employed at age 65. Also, I need to make certain that my understanding of retirement is correct: I should have SS benefits + my separate TRS payment (Teacher Retirement System of Texas); they are certainly taking a chunk out of my paycheck for each one. Neither one is going to make me rich, especially since I have not been paying into the system for that long, but hopefully, with free medical retirement benefits (and same for Mr. O., for about $200/month), at least afford me a modicum of comfort.

    Back to the salt mines. It is spring break here, so I am getting a bit of respite ("Me Time"), but... students will soon be clamoring for the results of their Midterms. Not as hectic as other years, though, and I am taking advantage to get some much needed spring cleaning in! :-D

  15. Gah, I am so tired of Twitter as a news source. I do not CARE what people say about things there. I care about actual news stories. It makes me glad that I never joined.

    Wine should totally be a migraine sure. Why isn't it? Also a cure for cramps, dry skin, arthritis, Lyme disease, athletes' foot, etc.

    1. J@jj--I thought I would cry when Comey sat in front of the House Intelligence Committee and said the word "tweet(s)" as many times as he did, i.e. "With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components. The department has no information that supports those tweets."

      Thanks to CTRL + F, I didn't have to read the whole damn transcript, but know that the stupid word was used a whopping 17 times. SEVENTEEN! Why are we putting up with this shit!?

      I am so on board with wine therapy for dry skin and arthritis in addition to migraine. If it could also, in some significant way, get rid of the Cat Hair Issue around here, that would be a bonus.

    2. What a fabulous idea. We are overrun in dog hair, and I'd like to think that my drinking wine would somehow magically make it go away.


Oh, thank you for joining the fray!

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