Perhaps you're looking to spruce things up a bit At Home. Or, now that Autumn is here, you are feeling that Nesting Instinct--the desire to prepare your cold-weather cocoon. Lucky for you, I can assist you with that.
And it doesn't even matter if you're redoing say, your bathroom, and it might look like this one:
or if you're finally remodeling your entire kitchen, and your taste is more along the lines of, say, this:
Let's imagine, even, that you are redecorating your bedroom (or guest room) and have opted for a style more in keeping with this:
Did you pack off the last tyke to college or into a home of his/her own? Are you finally getting the living room of your dreams, one For Guests Only?
I have just the little accessory for any of those scenarios. It will slide right in seamlessly and add not only functionality, but the stylish finishing touch you will appreciate. It says so right on the package. Here, let me show you:

Hey. You're welcome.
(All images via, except living room from; bass switchplate via Amazon, mine.)
Now if that thing sings when you flip the switch it would be absolutely perfect.
ReplyDeleteNCmountainwoman--Happily, no singing. I always wondered about the Usefulness of that singing fish thing. (Even though, apparently, it would Look Great With Any Decor). Once you chuckled over it once, then what...?
DeleteMy son Jared used to have a terrible and inexplicable phobia concerning fish. Could you imagine if this were in his room (childhood themes of clowns, then dinosaurs, then Asian/Zen in that order until he moved out, all of which this would have Looked Great With, apparently)?
I think there is something fishy about this.
ReplyDeleteWhat goes with my decor is anything that wipes clean easily. And if that is eclectic, so be it.
MaryG--It's such a brave statement to make, that it "goes with any decor", isn't it? I can just see a little girl's face, after Mumsy and Popsy cave in and redo her room in Disney Princesses, when she reaches to turn on her lights and sees the Large Mouth Bass Switch Cover.
DeleteThis does wipe clean easily, what with its Polyresin Design!
Hahahaha! I do know a place where this would be just the thing (a cabin in the woods), but otherwise I'm pretty sure that "decor" doesn't mean what they think it means.
ReplyDeleteBug--Or in the lakehouse entryway where the fishing tackle/poles are stored, which is precisely where it is, in this case.
DeleteThe second part of your comment is making me laugh. A lot.
Oh my! Well at least when you eventually come to your senses and hate the thing, you can throw it into the lake where it'll feel right at home. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAlly Bean--Well, then! I guess!
ReplyDeleteNance...I don't know how you managed to get those pictures of my house but you will be hearing from my attorney about your using them without the express permission of the NFL. Wait! That's not right....MY express permission.
ReplyDeleteNow that I am here, I do have a question..Do they make the Large Mouth Bass Switch cover for a double outlet? I Love it!
Nancy--Consider the pix free advertising for when you eventually sell. If you do. ;-)
DeleteBut of course they make the Large Mouth Bass Switch Cover in a double! And for outlets, both single and double! Those remain off my hook, so to speak. One fishy decor item was more than enough for that splash of fun.