Oh, but let's not, as they say, Go There.
Instead, I think I'll just shake loose a few errant Thought Nerfuls and set them free.
~*~Back in 1979 when Skylab's doom was forecast and we all were warned of its imminent plunge to earth, I was a junior at Bowling Green State University. This, as I am wont to constantly remind my children, was well before the Interwebs and Cellular Phones, but not before alcohol, so pretty much the entire university prepared for this event by hosting dorm parties. We all designed and wore hats--ostensibly for protection ha ha--and made huge targets and Welcome Skylab! signs. This week's recent
~*~Avocados, The World's Most Perfect Fruit and my Culinary Crush, are a ridiculous $2.50 each at the local grocery store. At a warehouse club, you can get five for about eight bucks. Still insane. I was reading a food blog the other day and saw a farmer's market sign in California that said "Hass Avocados $1 EACH" and almost wept. I feel like part of the reason avos are so unreasonable is because of Beneful Dog Food. This brand includes a variety called "Healthy Fiesta" which includes avocadoes. How ridiculous. No dog, even if it is a Mexican hairless or a chihuahua, eats avocadoes or needs them. The Beneful people are buying up avocadoes, thus needlessly creating a demand which, in turn, is raising prices for me. Hey, Beneful. Knock it the hell off! Who the hell do you think you are? Dogs eat meat and, in the case of the Golden Retriever who lived here for six weeks, the occasional door. Lay off my avos.
~*~Okay, I lied. I am going to get A Little Political. But just a teensy bit. You know, Mitt Romney has been running for president professionally now for, what, eight years? Ten? Whatever. He wants It really bad. He also has the John McCain Disease of being whomever and whatever the situation calls for at the time. He just cannot help it. Even though Mitt said, "I think the American people recognize that we're at a point of crisis and they want to hear the truth. And they can tell when people are being phony and are pandering to an audience, and you'll see that in politics. You're not going to see that in my campaign"; he also turned right around and said this, calling for a tax policy that will help "the middle class. It's not those in the low end; it's certainly not those in the very high end. It's for the great middle class -- the 80 to 90 percent of us in this country." There's just one problem: Mitt really isn't one "of us" as he said. His net worth is estimated at between $190 million and $250 million. That one is right up there with his "I'm also unemployed" joke. Speaking of jokes, (fill in name of republican debater here).
I'll let Nancy pun her head off with that last one.